The Elevator Pitch

Fiona Tatschl
Published in
2 min readNov 30, 2017

With Jones we will create a game that communicates how much and in which ways drugs harm your body and how easily you can get addicted or even die because of them. In order to achieve this, the user will watch our character Jones taking drugs and dealing with the consequences.

What Players Will Learn

Since the basic idea was to create an educational game, our main aim, besides designing an addictive game that is fun to play, is of course that the user learns as much as possible. Nevertheless our game is not really about learning theoretical knowledge, it’s more about learning a lesson for life.

With our game we want to communicate how much and in which ways drugs harm your body and how easily you can get addicted or even die because of them. We try to achieve this mainly in letting the user watch our character Jones taking drugs and dealing with the consequences. Moreover there will be some kind of encyclopedia containing each drug occurring in the game. The knowledge you find there is important for life, but also helps you in the game.

The goal of the game is to stay alive. In order to achieve this the user controls our character Jones to avoid drugs as good as possible. If he manages this for a while, he gets awarded. If he doesn’t, he gets to know the consequences of doing drugs, his condition gets worse and worse and he can even die because of an overdose.

Our topic is quite special and very rarely discussed in games, which makes it extraordinary. Moreover we want to apply an unique illustration style.

