The Apple-Microsoft Energizer Bunny.

Published in
2 min readOct 30, 2013

In 1989 Energizer hijacked the Duracell Bunny thus for most parts of the world hijacking the iconic toy from Duracell.

Today I saw a Microsoft`ee still praise the company for its efforts in Metro design style in the Windows Phone. Asserting that basically Apple has copied them and they (Microsoft) will soon be rewarded for such greatness.

The cautionary tale here for me is this. Apple are great …no…they are surgically brilliant at design, not just in their own marketing but it embodies everything they do and beyond.

Microsoft….well…don’t. They have moments but often you can automatically sense the hesitation in executing their design (as if to say they have design sugar rushes). Point in case is Windows 8, start screen is interesting, parts of the way in which you design applications are different but then …nothing… AppStore was a sad existence to stare at and the whole strategy around cultivating, nurturing, evangelising and so much more the design itself simply fell silent.

My point today is simple, Apple copying or not copying Microsoft — who cares — isn’t a point for the company to celebrate. It’s a pretty loud warning shot across the design bow, that simply says — step up and lead, or step aside but make a choice.




Technical Director, 2D & 3D artist. Twitter is the digital pillow I scream into .. once worked as .NET product manager for Microsoft.