4 strategies to upgrade your digital marketing campaign

Companies understand that going digital saves time and money, but there are still obvious mistakes they can make

MOST 2414
2 min readSep 1, 2018


by Hui Shan Eng for e27

Digital marketing is not new and most companies think they already know what it is all about. For startups, going digital makes a lot of financial sense. Traditional marketing is expensive, and it can take ages to understand the ROI on the campaign. But a lot digital marketing these days is throwing spaghetti at the wall and hoping it sticks. How do you attract the right audience? How do you cater to their likes and needs? How do you rise above the noise? These four tips will help get the campaign going.

1. Establish your digital platform

Before beginning a digital platform to kickstart the marketing campaign, first understand the goals of the campaign? Once that is established, select the platform. Is a website best? A social media blast? What about a simple tool? Where I work, we like using Google Analytics and Hotjar to track the effectiveness of how our websites and marketing campaigns are doing. They are both simple, free and easy to use (pay if you wish to track more than just the basics).

2. Target and engage your consumers

Do giveaways, host a mini Q&A session. Push out surveys or share user-generated content online (remember, they have to be relevant to your campaign or they will not work). The point is to get your consumers excited and talking. With tools like Instagram stories, marketing has never been easier. All you need are your smartphone and the Instagram app to start engaging your consumers!

3. Videos speak louder than pictures

Surprisingly, a lot of companies still have not adopted video as a go-to tool for their marketing campaigns. Many startups mis-concept of it being too time-consuming to film and too expensive are some of the reasons why. Try explainer videos, the popular video tool more startups and companies are using to tell stories about their product, campaigns, to values and goals of the organization.

4. Wrapping things up

Take it from Chris Brogan, “Marketers like to build digital relationships and reputation before closing a sale”. It is all about forging relationships and identifying with the needs of your customers and having a good marketing campaign without bursting your budget is a good way to reach out to them.

Source: e27

MOST 2414 is a digital marketing agency and consulting firm.

