The Weekly Nugget

Philip Hagstrom
Most Studios
Published in
3 min readNov 18, 2021

We’re back with your weekly dose of design inspiration!

Christopher Joshua Benton: How to Be at Rest

Welcome to the Weekly Nugget — Most Studios Thursday wrap-up, where we share nuggets of inspiration from the world of tech, branding & design.

1. Women in rugby

Playful identity for World Rugby/Women in Rugby. It’s inspiring how they combined 2D illustrations with live-action videos and how the illustrations both can serve as a foreground and background element.

2. Brand strategy tool

A very interesting tool for creating a brand strategy. Through a template, you go through different exercises which in the end gives you some visual results.

3. Ryanair’s safety card is a hot mess

A breakdown on why Ryanair’s sticker-style seatback safety card is one of the worst in the aviation industry from a design perspective.

4. Goodwaste

GoodWaste is an initiative that collects waste materials to form new objects, they’re collaborating with Selfridges and are exploring how department stores could create marketable stock from their own refuse

5. Coefficient

Nice service for all the sheets-nerds out there, no-code scripting between different services and sources into your sheets.

6. Editorial exhibition

Clean beautiful layout & interactions for a delightful paper books collection browsing. Feels like the right way to browse physical stuff, by grabbing, dragging and using expected gestures to go through very easy and feeling good having a first experience with a material from an intangible version. The subtle use of lights, shadows and reflections, complete the overall experience of this simulated VR.

7. Humanity’s technological evolution

Impressive and informative site documenting humanity’s technological evolution in transforming work, wealth, and mobility.

See you next week!

Psst! If you liked some of these things then perhaps you’re our new coworker? We’re growing a lot and are now on a hiring spree.

