
Eradicating BPA

Protecting the people and the environment begins with eradicating BPA. This chemical used in creating plastics wreaks havoc on the body. Ending the use of BPA and the public’s exposure to it will decrease the risk of diseases. (1)

Some states are banning the use of BPA in certain products. (1)
This is not enough.
Getting rid of the problem begins with pulling it up by the roots. That is, completely banning BPA products nationwide.

Green alternatives to BPA are in existence. Not creating another path for the people and the environment is a disservice to us all.


(1) NCSL.
"NCSL Policy Update: State Restrictions on Bisphenol A (BPA) in Consumer Products." Accessed July 17, 2020,




Elizabeth Wright-Harding
Mother Nature Is Speaking. Are We Listening?™

Co Creator of our Facebook Group: Mother Nature Is Speaking. Are We Listening? (TM) Twitter: @MotherNatureSez