
Photo of A Face Mask by cromaconceptovisual on Pixabay

No Mask, No Thank You!

Where’s your mask? This is the question I’m wondering when I see others not wearing them during this covid-19 virus outbreak. These are not normal times we are living in. Why do I have to explain the seriousness of this situation to others who don’t wear masks? Again, these are not normal times.

Thankfully, seven states, certain California counties, and several countries are making a mandatory order to wear face masks during this covid-19 virus outbreak. ¹ I believe wearing face masks should be required nationwide and globally until we are out of this virus danger zone.

Some are voluntarily wearing masks or bandanas during this crisis. I’m thankful for them taking this seriously. They are everyday heroes for all. Companies who require their employees to wear face masks, without a government order, are heroes too.

Unfortunately, there are others who are taking a carefree attitude and not wearing face masks. They have a “I don’t give a damn” attitude. Seriously?With that kind of attitude during this virus outbreak you could become sick or your love one can become sick. Please consider the consequences.

What’s the big deal with face masks? They offer protection for you, me, and for everyone. Research has discovered masks are a good safeguard against the virus. According to a JAMA article, “…Primary benefits of wearing a mask include limiting the spread of the virus from someone who knows or does not know they have an infection to others. Masks also remind others to continue practicing physical distancing…” ²

Also, just because there are no symptoms doesn’t mean you don’t have it. Research is finding: “.. 25 percent of infected people might not have symptoms…” ³

Some may think wearing a mask is cumbersome, a pain in the neck, or whatever excuse they may come up with. Moments of being uncomfortable is far better than becoming sick with this virus or getting anyone else sick.

I believe enforcing face masks is key to reducing virus cases along with social distancing and sheltering in place. In Czech Republic the covid-19 virus cases are lower than other European countries. This is due to a mandatory requirement for all to wear face masks outside. The entire country knew the seriousness of the situation and quickly homemade masks were made. According to USA Today, “…Within three days, there were enough masks for every man, woman, and child in this country of 10 million…”

My experiences of others not being diligent with wearing face masks are upsetting. Recently, I ventured outside to get supplies. I was going to have them delivered but there were too many items that I could not order online. With courage I masked up and drove to town.

Much to my surprise I did not find a ghost town due to the shelter in place lockdown. Instead I found people bustling around. I guess everyone is getting essential supplies as the Governor’s order requested.

Getting groceries and medical supplies were my top essentials. The pharmacy store I went into still had shelves lacking items like water gallon jugs, rubbing alcohol, toilet paper, towels, disinfectant wipes. I quickly loaded my cart with essentials and just in case items like cough drops, chest rub, and vitamins tablets. I went up to the cashier and saw the clerk was not wearing a mask. I asked what items they had behind the counter. ( Some stores hold items due to some customers hoarding. )The clerk apparently was new and did not know what products they had and wasn’t going to check them either. Besides not knowing important information this clerk kept touching her face and was not wearing a mask. Yikes!

I quickly left her line to go look for another item and then went to another clerk’s line who was wearing a mask.

I said, “Nice mask where did you get the N95 mask?”

She said, “My employer got it for us. It’s a requirement.”

I said, “But not everyone is wearing one.”

She whispered, “They’re supposed to.”

I said, “Your wearing one. That’s why I got in your line.”

As I left and went to another store I encountered the no mask situation again. I waited in line for the cashier and an employee to my right said, “I can help you here.” I looked over and saw this employee wasn’t wearing a mask.

I said, “No thanks. I’ll wait for her.” I motioned to the other employee and I said, “She’s wearing a mask.”

I left to shelter in place again and pondered this situation. In times like these, we can not afford to be ignorant. When someone ignores precautions, such as wearing a mask, during a virus outbreak I will be saying:

“No mask, No thank you!”








Elizabeth Wright-Harding
Mother Nature Is Speaking. Are We Listening?™

Co Creator of our Facebook Group: Mother Nature Is Speaking. Are We Listening? (TM) Twitter: @MotherNatureSez