Write With Us

Photo by Free-Photos on Pixabay

Hello there. Glad you found us!

We are looking to network with like-minded individuals. We are offering our platform to new writers and published writers. Everyone has a story to tell. Everyone’s voice counts. They say one person can create a ripple effect thus creating a positive change.

We would love to hear from you!

These are the topics we are looking for:

  • Climate Change
  • Water
  • Sustainable Development
  • Green Energy
  • Green Living
  • Environment Contamination
  • Wildlife Preservation
  • Covid-19
  • Health
  • We The People (human rights, civil rights, injustices, victory stories, etc…)
  • Poetry
  • Photography (on the above subjects)
  • Art

Article Lengths:

  • Poetry: minimum word length of at least 10 words — maximum word length of 55 words
  • Articles: 100 to 500 words (300 words is a good article length)

Quotes & Sources:

If you quote someone make sure you put quotation marks around their quote and cite your sources.

Photographs & Artwork:

Make sure you have the person’s permission to publish. Several sites such as Pixabay have free excellent photographs for commercial use. Do include the photographer’s name and where you found it. Everyone likes to get credit for their work.

Photo by DarkWorkX on Pixabay

Before Submitting:

Double-check your draft before submitting such as your spelling, grammar, etc… A couple of sites that are great tools are:



Hemingway Editor:


New to Medium? Here are submission steps:

Our publication is:

We look forward to reading your submissions & drafts. :)


We will edit your draft and get it ready for: Mother Nature Is Speaking. Are We Listening? ™


Steve & Elizabeth, Shewmuze Productions



Elizabeth Wright-Harding
Mother Nature Is Speaking. Are We Listening?™

Co Creator of our Facebook Group: Mother Nature Is Speaking. Are We Listening? (TM) Twitter: @MotherNatureSez