Back to School for Mom

Whitney Brown
Published in
2 min readFeb 25, 2017

When I decided to go back to school I thought about childcare for my two little ones. I knew that I didn’t want them to be in day care all day and not see Mommy except for a couple of hours before bedtime. I researched my options and found accredited online colleges that offered the program that I was interested in. I contacted several before deciding on Southern New Hampshire University.

So far, my experience has been positive. The courses are online and I work around my family’s schedule. Getting my education paid for was easier than I thought. The financial aid department walked me through the process of applying for aid and I felt satisfied with my options. Majority of my work gets done after the kids go to bed. It makes for a long day but in the end it will be worth it. I still get to spend time with my family and further my education.

If you’ve been considering going back to school, go for it! There is no better time to start than now. I put off going back to school for years thinking that I would do it later. I had to buckle down and tell myself that there’s no better time than the present. A good saying that I found was, ‘Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.’

I am happy with my decision to further my education; not only for myself but for my family. I want to show my children that no matter what you have going on in your life you need to dedicate time for yourself and your dreams.

You can follow Whitney on Instagram for photos of her daily adventures through Motherhood.

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Whitney Brown

🔹Just a mom with a past and lots of experiences to share. 🔹 Thanks for reading and feel free to follow me on IG: scishome