Bethany Lammott

Christina Picciotto
Published in
4 min readOct 31, 2016
Bethany from Punk and Bird Mama Feature on Motherhood: Breaking the Looking Glass

Happy Monday AND Halloween everyone! We hope you have a wonderful day planned with your little goblins and ghouls.

This week we have the honor of introducing Bethany to you all. She is a Mama to a little boy and happily married living on the East Coast. Bethany is a stay at home mom and writes on her blog, Punk and Bird. You can also follow her on Instagram for daily photos of her travels and fun.

She was kind enough to answer a few of our questions about her and what she values in Motherhood.

Our Q & A with Bethany:

1. Tell us a little about yourself, how many kid(s) you have, married/not-married, what you do for work and hobbies you have.

Hi! My name is Bethany. Thanks so much for interviewing me today. I live in Pennsylvania with my husband and 1.5 year old son. We have a dog and cat and try to be involved in our community and church. I am saved by grace and consider my relationship with Jesus the most important thing in my life.

I became a stay at home mom a couple months before my son was born and now I enjoy writing and volunteering with international students in our city. I also really enjoy baking, reading and traveling.

Bethany and her family

2. What would your pre-kid self think about you now if they had the chance to meet you?

I would like to think she would be pretty amazed at the opportunities that have appeared because I am not teaching full time anymore! It is amazing how full my life is as a mother.

3. What are you most proud of?

I am proud that my life continued after having a baby. Yes, it changed, but my husband and I decided to not give up what our life was because a baby was coming. A baby just became a part of who we already were.

4. What is one thing you gave up after becoming a Mama, why?

My husband and I love to not plan. We gave that up. A lot of our life is planned (down to the hour sometimes!).

5. What is one thing you do now that you SWORE you’d never do before becoming a parent that you now do?

I sometimes let my kid get away with stuff….because I am tired and I just want to drink my coffee in the morning!

6. Tell us about your most rewarding moment in motherhood.

A couple months after my son turned one he was beginning the stage of “his own opinion” and not listening well all the time. It took a couple weeks of redirecting and staying consistent, but I can already see a change in him. I am sure we will go through this a thousand more times, but I am taking this week of obedience as a solid win.

7. Describe your most challenging moment in motherhood.

The day we learned our son had low muscle tone and would need physical therapy was hard. We had a great physical therapist and we became our son’s biggest cheerleaders getting him to crawl and eventually walk. It was a long couple months, but I look at my walking son now and think, “You’d have never known he has low muscle tone!”

8. What do you do for only yourself now? If you don’t do something just for yourself now, why not?

I enjoy exercising. I try and go to a spinning class and yoga class each, one time a week. It is two separate hours for me to focus on me and just be me.

9. What are you really good at with being a Mama?

Motherhood came much more naturally to me than I ever imagined. I’ve been complimented on my easy going & laid back style and I like to think that is a good thing!

Bethany and her son

10. How did this questionnaire make you feel?

It made me think!

Thank you Bethany for taking the time to answer our questions! ❤

Motherhood: Breaking the Looking Glass

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Christina Picciotto

Co-founder and CEO of Kindred Together, an upcoming free app that helps connect mamas locally. Editor to IG: @motherhoodboldly