5 Beauty Hacks for Moms

Clarissa Esquivel
Published in
4 min readApr 3, 2017

Hi, Guys! My name is Clarissa, and I am a blogger over at www.mywifestyles.com, you can also find me on Instagram, here. I wanted to share with you all some beauty hacks I have for moms who are just too busy to spend HOURS on their makeup!

With so many tasks you face throughout the day, I don’t blame you for not finding time to look after yourself. I know I don’t have the time, and if I did, I rather sit, and catch my breath. Every mom deserves a bit of “me time,” remember when you look good, you often feel good too. We are not talking a facial, manicure, blow-dry and full on makeup every day — keep it simple.

Check out my beauty hacks below that will help you to make the most of the time you do have available.

The Basic Makeup Guide:

Make it simple by enhancing your natural looks.

Have a good look at your face in the mirror — chances are you like some of your facial features more than others, and there are certain things you would like to enhance. Experimenting is not the answer when you are short of time, stick to makeup that has an instant impact.

Also, invest in a good mirror; you want to see your whole face when applying any makeup on your face.

Start by cleaning out your makeup bag, throw out products that you no longer use, even the older products that are empty (I’m guilty of having so much makeup in my bag, and most of it is already all used up).

Also, clean your makeup brushes by dipping them into water with a squirt of baby shampoo added. Nothing is better than a spanking clean brush! This will save you time on finding which blush. Lipstick, or eyeshadow you want to use.

Tired eyes can make you look zapped of energy; concealer is a great (and fast) way to hide dark under-eye circles. It’s worth investing in a product that gives a light coverage and doesn’t need caking on. If you have fine lashes, you can use a good (cheap) mascara to give your eyes an instant opener.

2. Blush
If you’re a mom to a newborn, you are most likely very lucky to get a good night sleep, and chances are you are feeling tired almost every morning you wake up. A touch of bronzer or blush will help restore your rosy cheeks. Use a full brush and apply to the apples of your cheeks, for an instant boost.

3. Lip balm or Lipgloss
Lipstick can take you from dowdy to delectable in one sweep of your hand. Don’t underestimate the power of color. On the up-side, it can make a huge difference. Although I’d prefer lip gloss or balm that can be applied very quickly, much less fuss than lipstick and it makes your lips feel hydrated.

4. Styling your Hair
Doing your hair doesn’t always mean you need to spend a lot of time on it. If you’re like me, get a haircut that is easy to maintain, so you don’t have to use too many products on it every morning. Investing in a good haircut every 6–8 weeks is probably an easier route than curling or straightening your hair every morning. Or even worse, the mom bun!

5. Healthy hair is happy hair.

Save time by not washing hair every day.

Use the right type of product on your hair — there are abundant products on the market, colored hair can benefit from using shampoo and conditioner specially formulated for it. Blow-dry into the style you prefer or even better have your hair cut in a style that allows you to let your hair dry naturally. The easiest way to do this is by not fighting mother nature — if you have naturally curly hair don’t try and straighten it every day (time-consuming and not great for your hair).
Top Tip: Dry Shampoo is a time-saving winner and can help tame greasy hair on days when a thorough shampoo and conditioner is just not on the to-do list.

Extra tip: Pedicures/Manicures

If you have time and Money to get your feet done once a month, kudos! But, for me, I don’t. My husband leaves for work at 7 am every morning and doesn’t get home until 6 pm. So, that leaves me to the weekends, which are usually already busy since he has them off. If you don’t have the time or money, spend an hour once a week or even every other week, and do them yourself. It’s always better than nothing, right?

I hope these tips and tricks helped you out. I’d love to hear some of your Mom beauty hacks below! ❤

You can follow Clarissa on her Instagram and read more stories from her on her blog.

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