Mama Suds®

Christina Picciotto
Published in
5 min readNov 13, 2016
MamaSuds® Shop Feature on Motherhood: Breaking the Looking Glass

Ever wonder what’s inside the products you use daily? Breaking down labels can be hard to do, especially when you can’t pronounce half of the chemicals listed! With more awareness around harmful chemicals many of us are trying to find healthier and organic alternatives. The MAJOR problem with a lot of the alternatives is… well, they don’t work.

Michelle sought to find a healthy and safe way for families to use everyday cleaning products… that actually work!!! She calls herself the Master Maker for MamaSuds® and is the Mama to three little girls. Michelle is VERY passionate about educating others while she finds natural remedies and ingredients for future products she wants to whip up.

All of MamaSuds® products are handmade and bottled by hand. Michelle cares deeply about bringing her customers safe and quality products. Their line ranges from every day cleaners to aromatherapy and body care. You can view the entire product line here.

She was kind enough to answer a few of our questions to get a behind the scenes look at her business and how she balances it with being a Mama.

Our Q & A with Michelle from MamaSuds®:

1. Tell us a little about you, your shop and what you offer.

My name is Michelle and I am a mom to three girls ages 10, 6 and 4 and wife to my husband of 12 years (but we’ve been together for over 20 years!). I love hiking, camping, reading, gardening, cooking, and just making things in general. I taught middle school math and English for 10 years and I really love researching and learning and educating people big and small.

MIchelle and her family last Christmas

2. What inspired you to open your shop?

Finding safe products for my children is what inspired me to make products.

Everything was either really expensive or wasn’t “really” safe in my eyes. My husband kept pushing me to open an online shop but I kept telling him that no one would want to buy soap from me… so he built me a website and it wasn’t too long before I received my first sale and I cried! I couldn’t believe someone would pay money to buy something I made! It was a really incredible feeling!

3. How would you describe your shop’s style? What is one thing you want your customers to feel/think when using your products?

My goal is to educate my customers so they know exactly what to look for when reading labels (whether it’s with my products or not) and to feel safe when buying from my shop. I am fully transparent about every ingredient and really want my customers to know that I am very picky about what I use in my house on my family, and that they can trust that I make products that are truly safe and eco-friendly.

4. What is your favorite item from your shop? Why?

My favorite item is the Automatic Dishwashing Powder because it really works! I spent over 18 months trying to formulate a recipe that would work and I am really really proud of it!

MamaSuds® Automatic Dishwasher Powder

5. If you could give one piece of advice to fellow mamas on starting a business, what would it be?

Learn who your target customer is. When I first started my business I thought everyone should be my customer. It took a long time for me to understand that I needed to figure out who my customer was and make an avatar of her. Once I “made” my avatar it made writing blog articles, social media posts, and product descriptions much easier because I write them as if I am writing to “her”.

MamaSuds® Logo

6. When you get really busy how do you balance running your business and being a Mama?

I ask for help! I don’t try and juggle it all by myself because I have the self-awareness that I will mess it up and create even more work for myself. I have a lot of amazing people that I surround myself with and I ask for their help all the time.

7. Where do you see your shop 1 year from now? 5 years from now?

I see my shop doubling in sales in the next year and getting more wholesale accounts, which means my products will be in more brick & mortar shops.

5 years from now I want to walk down my favorite grocery store (Kroger) and see my household cleaning products in the grocery aisle!

8. What are you most proud of with your shop?

I am most proud of the integrity of MamaSuds®. I make really great products with quality ingredients and I am really proud of what MamaSuds® stands for:

Truly Safe Products.

Michelle hard at work!

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions and we know you will go places with your amazing business! Head on over to MamaSuds® now to check out their awesome and safe products. ❤

You can also follow them on Instagram for product releases and fellow mothers loving them!

Motherhood: Breaking the Looking Glass

Follow our blog, Motherhood: Breaking the Looking Glass, for more shop features and stories on Motherhood from mothers like you.

Want to work with us? Email me:! ❤



Christina Picciotto

Co-founder and CEO of Kindred Together, an upcoming free app that helps connect mamas locally. Editor to IG: @motherhoodboldly