Potty training…need I say more?

Published in
3 min readMar 14, 2017

If I make it through this potty training stage without pulling all my hair out it will be a miracle! You get your kid to a certain point, you are so proud, they are doing great then it’s like they forget it all in the next second and you have to start from square one…what in the world?!?! If I can just make it to the end… we will be free of diapers FOREVER! How glorious would that be??

The saying “one step forward, two steps back” sums up potty training to a tee. We started potty training about a month ago and from how this week is going you would think this is our first attempt. Pee and poop ending up everywhere…literally e-v-e-r-y-w-h-e-r-e!

We started out great… he ran around a couple days naked, which let him recognize the sensation that leads to the “act”. Then it was straight on to underwear. Every 30 minutes or so I would take him to sit on the potty.

Just a tip, the potty chairs are all nice and cute BUT that has lead to spills and nasty cleanups after. With this being my second round of potty training, the the plain ol’ toilet is good enough! I did get the fitted seat when we started to make sure he didn’t fall through. All I use now is the plain toilet.

He did great for a week then all hell broke loose. All of a sudden his thumb sucking came back! We had gotten him off of that about 6 months ago. He started not wanting to go potty. I would ask and he would say no then not even 5 minutes later he would go in his pants.

I got to the point where I would start taking him to the potty without asking. Now he has turned it into a battle, “I don’t go potty anymore”. It would be this huge deal to make him just sit on the potty. This past week he had a cold and ALL our training went right out the door! Not once has he told me he had to go AND he now hides in the closet and pees his pants, done that once so far.

I know what everyone will say “he’s not ready”, he is only 2. My motivation is not so much that he is ready, but that I am ready. Go ahead call me selfish, but unless you are volunteering for diaper duty your vote doesn’t count. You cannot tell me that my 2 year old that is fully capable of verbally telling me they have to go and has done so before just isn’t ready. No, I call that stubborn or lazy on his part.

I will not give up this fight, not to a 2 year old. He will not win this one. He may win others but not this one. We will get there. It may take a couple more months, but the key is consistency and determination and I have those!

Ladies who are going through potty training: don’t give up, don’t give in, DO NOT let anyone tell you that you need to wait! If you want this then you have to push through and get it done. The other side of hill is glorious, no poopy diapers to change, no changing pads to look for everywhere you go! We can do this!

Tell me some of you potty training tips and tales below, I’d love to hear them! ❤

You can follow Jessica on her blog, Silence is Suspicious, for more of her Momma stories. She also shares her daily adventures on her Instagram.

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Just your average SAHM adjusting to the life of cleaning diapers, wiping snotty noses and trying to keep my sanity.