The Worries in Motherhood

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3 min readSep 7, 2017

A mother begins to worry for her unborn child the moment she realizes she is pregnant. She questions if she is eating enough to ensure baby’s nutritional intake. The worry of not overdoing ANYTHING to not over exhaust herself and/or baby. The never-ending question of “is my baby healthy?” or “will baby and I be safe after delivery?”. Once a mother is aware that she is with child, the fear of keeping that baby safe from any harm never leaves her.

After arriving home, I remembered always checking my infant to make sure he was still breathing. I would go into his room 2 or 3 times throughout the night to be sure he was OKAY while he was asleep. SIDS was definitely something to fear, an unknown known to commonly occur. Then we have to worry about our baby’s eating habits, growth AND their immune system.

As your baby grows and changes you become so thankful for the safety and health of your little one. However, your fears change as your baby changes. The fear for them doesn’t go away, ever. You begin to fear for them when they play on cement or spend the day with grandma or some other family member… without you.

You fear for their social life and overall happiness. No mother wants her child to be an outcast or the one getting bullied at school. There are some things we as mothers just can’t avoid, but if by paying attention to our kids we could prevent anything…we will. Anything to see our little ones grow to be great adults in life.

The level of fear seems more heightened in this day and age, at least for myself. Massacres have become normal, shootouts have become a part of the neighborhood, kidnappings are so real and suicide is becoming more prevalent in kids at younger ages. There is a pit at every corner and without the tender loving care of great parents our kids fall deep into those pits.

A mother prays her kid is not on either side of the weapon that takes the life of 1 or even 50 other beings. She prays that when she sends her kids to school they return home to her for those great hugs and kisses. A mother prays that the babies she raises understand morals and values that hopefully will encourage them to make the correct decision in life as adults.

A mother never stops worrying about her babies.

As an adult, and a mother myself, I understand why people always say you appreciate your parents when you get older. You understand more why your parents made the decisions they did when they did. Every decision was an effort to protect their little ones from the boogie monster, the stomach viruses, the bullies and the cruel world we live in. I thank my mom and my dad for all they did for me. I pray that I can protect and care for my babies as well as they did for my brother and I.

Oh the joys and constant worries of being a mommy!

You can follow Cyd on Instagram to see snap shots from her journey through Motherhood.

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