Toddler Tales: Sickness

Amanda m.
Published in
3 min readFeb 17, 2017

Every Mom dreads it. That time your schedules go awry and your sanity goes out the window. It’s where you loose track of what day it even is. The severity depends on which bug they were lucky enough to catch.

This season has been the worst for us with the back to back weeks worth of sickness. I believe that I’ve taken a bath in Pedialite by now and my son is as hot as a furnace (he’s a natural warm body, but when he’s sick he’s about as hot as the sun).

How do you survive this mess intact? I’m a working mom, so it’s a real challenge to sit at my laptop and then my son wanting to send my follow up e-mails with his feet. All while trying to get comfortable, and situated directly on top of me. Trying to get anything done with a sick small person is like trying to get through the day without cursing, it just doesn’t work out. Their practically pulling your pants down, because who wants to walk when they don’t feel good? Who wanted to get anything done anyways?!

Next to bringing home a newborn, sickness is the next hardest thing. Puke in the car, explosive poop EVERYWHERE, (and when I say everywhere I mean it, i.e. sheets, clothes, pillows, blankets, stuffed animals, and a small circumference outside of the crib, don’t know how that happened but I have photographic evidence for inquiring minds.) High fevers, wrestling for medication, loss of sleep. It’s a tough one for sure, and something that’s hard to not get frustrated with, and keep cool with whomever you’ve schemed to be the cause of this disease that your child has brought home. Because not only has your home been invaded by germs, but your safe spaces as well, or as I like to call them, the Mommy (or Daddy) hiding places. Mine is my closet, and my bed, but once that sickness is there, no where is safe from germ infiltration.

What gets me, and what I find funny is how each one of us handles sickness differently. We have the worry warts where the first sign of sickness triggers getting in the car and heading to the doctors. We have the au natural who make their own vicks shower discs to help with steaming the ickies out of you, and then there are some like me, who go the natural route, take the occasional trip to the doctor when it’s serious enough,and try to stay off webMD… to stay away from my own diagnosis of illness.

Right now, in the span of 6 months my son and I have been more sick than ever, and I am apart of the rare breed that NEVER gets sick. No matter how healthy you are, once you have kids, it’s never the same. So parents, tape open your eyes, drink some strong coffee, and put the cartoons on, it will pass soon enough! …..I hope!

You can follow Amanda on Instagram for snapshots from her daily adventures in Motherhood.

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Amanda m.

observer of all things, free spirited, imaginative (insert noun here) & a mom to a wild flower.