American Mothers are Trying Harder Than Ever–So Why Do We Feel Like We’re Failing?

We are carrying the burden of society’s shortcomings

Elizabeth Tenety


Mama, you deserve more support and way less judgment. Because the truth is American mothers are carrying heavy burdens that are so ubiquitous and yet so secretive we can only assume we are alone in our struggles.

But, mama, it’s society that’s failing, not you.

Motherhood is way harder than it should be because the deck is stacked against women. We live in a culture that gives lip service to the importance of family, but sees investment in children and parents as an “entitlement” too far. We operate in a business climate that prizes consumption and profitability above all — leaving families, and especially women, behind in its wake. We’re citizens in a country where “women’s issues” are seen as side issues, rather than foundational challenges of our society.

We, as mothers, are all too often left to figure out the biggest transformation of our lives — one rife with physical, mental, financial and relationship stress — in the midst of a radically individualistic society that at times almost blames us for having children. Can’t afford childcare? It’s your fault for not making more money. Struggle to breastfeed? You’re not trying hard enough



Elizabeth Tenety

Co-founder of Motherly, a digital lifestyle brand redefining motherhood.