With ‘Continuous Parenting,’ We Expect More of Parents Than Ever

Technology isn’t the only reason today’s parents feel pressure to be ‘always on’—here’s how we can better support them

Emily Glover


As I paused to catch my breath a the top of the peak during a recent trail run, I pulled out my phone to take a picture of the incredible mountain views that surrounded me. But first, there it was: a text message that transported me straight back into the role of ‘mom’.

“What time do I lay the baby down again?” our caregiver for the morning asked.

While I answered, I was reminded yet again that parents are never totally off-duty — and that seems especially true due to the emergence of technology that keeps us ever-connected to our children and homes.

Even though this experience of “continuous parenting” is certainly with its benefits, the rate at which parents claim to be burning out doesn’t seem entirely coincidental: When we expect mothers and fathers to put parenting first at all times, we are not creating healthy boundaries for ourselves and we are not sending our children good messages about setting boundaries, either.

The alternative? Encouraging mindfulness around the times when parenting should take precedence — and when it is fine…



Emily Glover

Freelance writer and editor. Formerly founding team member at Motherly. Presently getting through a pandemic with 3 young kids.