Our Favourite Must-Read Tech Blogs

Christopher Grobe
Published in
3 min readMar 25, 2020

This is a list that we continuously expand. If you have any suggestions which sources we should include, just comment below. Last update: 28 April

Motius chat in office

Missing the times when you could just chat with your colleagues over a coffee to hear about the latest tech news? We definitely do. But don’t worry, here is an alternative for all of us.

In these times of #socialdistancing, whenever you need a break, check out our favourite tech blogs and newsletters. They are the ones where we get our news from — insightful, thought-provoking and always tech-related.

Towards data science newsletter header

A Medium publication around all data science-related topics, sharing leading thoughts, instructions, insights and more.

AR/VR Today newsletter header

A bi-weekly newsletter with everything you need to know about the developments around AR and VR.

Stratechery blog header

Ben Thompson provides analysis of the impact of technology on society as we ll as the strategy and business side of technology and media.

Futurology subreddit header

Futurology is a subreddit about future studies on the development of humanity, technology, and civilization.

Two Minute Papers Youtoube channel header

This name is actually a bit misleading. You won’t have to read any texts here; instead, it’s a Youtube Channel which posts two short videos per week on all kinds of interesting research topics like AI, Physics or 3D printing.

Machine Learning subreddit header

This subreddit is self-explanatory. If you want to know what is going around Machine Learning, go here.

Skynet Today blog header

Skynet Today is all about accessible information about AI.

Motius Tech-Dosis header

Dreaming about getting future tech news paired with unfiltered opinions and exclusive insights? We got you covered! Just subscribe to our Tech-Dosis — we deliver on a bi-weekly basis.

And whats your favorite tech news source? Just add a comment to this article so we can make this an open list. We will update our favorite ones and add suggestions to the article as well.

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