Integration through Motiv EasyConnectors

Motiv Solutions
Motiv Insights
Published in
3 min readMar 31, 2022

Maintaining consistent connectivity between all elements of a software stack is only one of the mountain of challenges presented to enterprise business leaders and the developers building the technical foundations of these companies. The self-confidence required to take on the challenges of building and running a company often is the very trait that prevents these application leaders from realizing the potential of seeking help when integrating a multitude of technologies.

“As an application leader responsible for integration, you may be missing out on the opportunity to reduce your team’s time to delivery by building each integration from scratch.” — Abhishek Singh and Massimo Pezzini, Gartner 2020

Taking on the task of maintaining integration across software applications, databases, APIs, and digital business processes in-house, requires building a custom, one-off solution for each connection; and then keeping a careful eye as any updates could require significant resources to address properly. The consequences of rushing these fixes can accumulate, causing serious risk of technical debt and further integration issues down the road. Continuing on this path of accumulating technical debt often results in business leaders looking for any solution or ‘quick fix’ that can address their problems altogether. This is the moment companies can fall victim to the grand ideas of monolithic software vendors that can address all the problems at once. While they certainly are not lying, getting locked into this type of system can be detrimental to long-term agility and innovation. Where taking on this integration problem alone has a high risk of technical debt but allows for near-infinite customizability, going with a large-scale monolithic vendor is the opposite. Although technical integration problems will be offloaded from internal teams, customizability and agility will be highly impacted.

“Leaders who have successfully adopted packaged integration processes claim to have experienced a productivity increase of somewhere between 40% and 70%.” — Abhishek Singh and Massimo Pezzini, Gartner 2020

So, what is the solution? Motiv believes their PIPs (packaged integration processes) called EasyConnectors enabled by ImpulseSync™ offers a clear path to maintain agility without having to invest massive amounts of internal technical resources or risk building up a laundry list of technical issues. Motiv’s experts build and maintain API-based connectors that allow businesses to avoid the perils of vendor lock-in and choose the software solutions that fit their company the best. Let Motiv focus on what they do best; ensure the integration of your software, and you can enjoy the freedom to innovate and see better business outcomes emerge.

Quotes and graphic from:

Accelerate Your Integration Delivery by Using Packaged Integration Processes: A Gartner® Trend Insight Report
Published 17 November 2020
By Abhishek Singh, Massimo Pezzini

For more information on Motiv Solutions and ImpulseSync™, visit

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