The Harsh Truth We Won’t Admit

Motivate App
Published in
3 min readFeb 20, 2018

“Surrender is a powerful force.” ― P.C. Cast, Burned

Our minds are beautifully complicated things. Stark in their ability to reason, they are hopelessly lost in contradiction, living simultaneously in the present, future, and most often, the past.

Our memory of the past, our experience, serves as our mentor. It protects us from repeating the same mistakes while constantly optimizing our future decisions. However, the past can often be a tormentor as well. Like an endless loop, our thoughts continue to circle back to that moment. The moment that holds our heads underwater and our minds under siege.

The moment we made that mistake.

The moment we lost what/who we loved.

The moment we almost got what we wanted.

Are we just masters of masochism by nature, living in what could have, should have, or would have been? Or could it be our subconscious trying to tell us something?

Whatever We Resist, Persists

The longer the loop stays as the default programing in our minds, the more we resist it, trying to kill off this pesky infestation. At the very least, we just want some peace however we can get it — distractions, meditation, drugs, anything. We must get out, yet the more we resist, the more it persists.

The worst part about it is that we are scared to admit to ourselves that, deep down, we know the only reason it won’t go away is because we don’t really want it to. It feels too good.

We tell ourselves it doesn’t, but it’s all we have of that which no longer exists. Our pain is our connection. Our pain gives it the only type of life it has left. Without our pain, there would be nothing and we’d finally have to accept the fact that ____________________.

*** Fill it in with whatever you are holding onto.***

The Only Way Out

We have to realize that there is no use trying to suppress our thoughts. These thoughts are backed by a strong emotional energy within ourselves and energy cannot be created nor destroyed, only transferred. Thus, the only difference between this version of us now and the one in the future is how much emotional energy these same thoughts that bind us have.

Instead of fighting and doing more, we must sit and embrace the pain, letting it wash over us with no judgment about ourselves. We are where we need to be. We are here, in this moment, which like everything else in life, will pass. We are not victims. We are observers, walking through the fog. We might not be able to see 5 feet ahead and we don’t know where this will lead or when it will end. All we know is that it will and maybe, that’s enough?

Unlock Your Potential

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