11 Mindful Habits For A Better Human Experience

Alright guys I’m so passionate about these habits that I actually live by them. I am super excited to share them with all of you.

Motivate the Mind
5 min readSep 3, 2021


Woman putting her hands together and closing her eyes on a bright sunny day.
Photo by Amadeo Valar on Unsplash

So Let’s dive into these habits.

Disclaimer: To cultivate a habit you need to do it at least 23 days straight that is when your mind will start making it a habit with the least effort.

1 Start Your Day With Gratitude

Photo by Lina Trochez on Unsplash

Before even you get off your bed in the morning, please take the time to connect with your breath and feel gratitude for this new new day. Think about the things you are thankful for and marinate in gratitude for few minutes preferably with hands on your heart. And just notice how amazing you feel. Just like that you may have created a beautiful start to your day.

2 Drinking Water First Thing In The AM

Photo by Boxed Water Is Better on Unsplash

Your body will thank you big time! Hydrate your body and flush the toxins away first thing in the morning. That is not a difficult task and probably the easiest on this list. Now to make it even more fun you can infuse your water with lemon or orange to add extra detox cleanse benefit and a little energy boost. Winner!!

3 Do Not Check Your Phone First Thing In The AM

Photo by Peter Kasprzyk on Unsplash

Now for many of you this is a huge “OMG I can’t!” But guys trust me your mental health and peace of mind will improve if you stick to this. Remember, social media is designed to be addictive and you got all the power to take control and ownership of your time and energy.

4 Plan Your Next Day Before Going To Bed

Photo by STIL on Unsplash

Write down your plans tasks and activities for the next day. This will help you get organised and you will feel that indeed you are in control of your life. Start doing this and thank me later.

5 Do Not Participate In Unloving Activities

Photo by Carsten Carlsson on Unsplash

Might sound a bit weird how I wrote that out but it’s pretty much self explanatory. Any activity that does not represent love, be aware of it and do not participate in it. A big example is gossiping judging others or even negative thinking about yourself or others. Whatever you are dealing with ask yourself this “Is this truly love??” If the answer is no, get yourself out of that situation immediately.

6 Meditation Before Medication

Photo by Shashi Chaturvedula on Unsplash

I just can’t say this enough, and you guys will probably see me include this in every story I write. But, seriously Meditation is the key to everything it is the key to your happiness joy and success. Through Meditation you connect with abundance wholeness effortless joy. It is the great medicine to your mind body and soul my friend. If you are not doing it you are missing out on true LIFE. Let me just leave it at that.

7 Respond But Don’t React

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

My dear friend Caitlyn once told me this in my probably darkest times where I was dealing with anxiety and would literally get sick from dealing with toxic people, so I took that and flipped my entire life story. I took responsibility of my energy, I learned how to set healthy boundaries in my life and I finally felt in control of my life emotions and energy in general. Whatever situation you are dealing with you do not have to react, you can respond but not react and there is a difference. If you are dealing with toxic people in your life and dont know what to do, here is five ways to disarm toxic people.

8 Reading

Photo by Jerry Wang on Unsplash

If you love reading, then this is for you. If you don’t love reading please get on those audio books and at least listen to some of the most incredible books out there that could inspire your day your life and your everything.

9 Journaling

Photo by Rachel Coyne on Unsplash

Writing is so powerful guys and journaling is one heck of a healing tool. It is truly one way to do the inner work and dive deeper to explore the limiting beliefs you have or even activate the creative power within you.

10 Sweat

Photo by Becca Matimba on Unsplash

Yeah you thought I would skip that ha!

Guys did you know that these traumas we deal with are actually stored in our body in our muscles and tissues. That is why we need to sweat them out, we need to move those energies and allow our body to flow. Movement my friends will empower you in so many ways. Wether you go for a run or do yoga or qigong or just a stretching sessions or even just going to a sauna or something, please start sweating. You will feel incredible.

11 End Your Day with Forgiveness

Photo by Ashley Byrd on Unsplash

Make forgiveness a daily habit and ritual by literally forgiving yourself and others before going to bed. Trust me this will not only bless you but it’ll bless all those in your life. Again I have to shout out my lovely Niva Je Shah her Forgiveness Meditation is just my go to before bed.

Thats it guys, honestly I may have skipped waking up early 5am because it’s just not easy for me but I salute all my beloved 5am clubbers I deeply honour you.

Thank you so much for reading to the end! I hope these habits could help make your life a better one.

