13 Simple Journaling Tips for Beginners

Carl Poland
Motivate the Mind
Published in
4 min readJan 9, 2023

Use these tips to help you get started journaling

Journaling Tips for Beginners — ajournal and pen
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Journaling can be an extremely powerful tool for improving your mental health and happiness. Incorporating journaling into your daily routine can increase your enjoyment of life in many ways.

Here are 13 simple tips for successful journaling for beginner and newbie journal keepers. Consider each, in turn, to see how it can help you be successful at your new journaling practice.

1 Set aside time consistently for journaling

Whether first thing in the morning or before bed at night, find a time that works for you and make it a consistent part of your routine.

2 Always reflect on the positive

Make an effort to focus on the good things in your life, no matter how small. Write down things you’re grateful for, moments of joy or success, or something that made you smile.

3 Get it all out

Use your journal as a safe space to express your thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment. Letting go of negative emotions can help you feel lighter and more at peace.

4 Set goals and track your progress

Use your journal to set and track personal or professional goals. Seeing your progress can be a source of motivation and give you a sense of accomplishment.

5 Practice self-care

Take time to pamper yourself and do things that bring you joy. Write about these experiences in your journal to reinforce the importance of taking care of yourself.

6 Experiment with different writing styles

Try writing in different formats, such as lists, poems, or freeform prose. Changing your style can keep things interesting and allow you to express yourself in new ways.

7 Find a journaling style that works for you

There are many different approaches to journaling, so it’s crucial to find a comfortable and authentic style. Some people prefer a structured approach, with prompts or specific questions to guide their writing.

Others prefer a more freeform style, allowing their thoughts and feelings to flow freely onto the page. Experiment with different styles to see what works best for you.

8 Make your journaling a habit

Like any new activity, journaling can take time to become a habit. To increase the chances of it becoming a consistent part of your routine, try setting reminders for yourself or pairing your journaling with another activity, such as a cup of tea or a morning walk.

9 Write only for yourself

One of the most significant benefits of journaling is the opportunity to process your thoughts and feelings in a private, safe space. Remember that your journal is for you; you don’t have to share it with anyone else if you don’t want to. This notion can be liberating and allow you to be more honest and vulnerable in your writing.

10 Try using different writing prompts

If you need help getting started, or if you’re feeling stuck in your journaling practice, try using writing prompts to spark new ideas.

These prompts can be as simple as “What am I most grateful for today?” or as open-ended as “Write about a dream you had.” Writing prompts can be a great way to jumpstart your journaling and explore new topics.

11 Use your journal to cope with stress

Journaling can be a powerful tool for managing stress and anxiety. When you’re feeling overwhelmed, try writing down your worries and stressors. This practice can help you get them out of your head and onto the page, where you can start to process and cope with them more effectively.

12 Find inspiration in the world around you

Whether it’s a beautiful sunset, a meaningful conversation, or an encounter with a stranger, there are endless opportunities for inspiration in the world around us. Keep an eye out for these moments and use them as prompts for your journaling. Following this regularly can help you connect more deeply with your surroundings and find joy in the everyday.

13 Don’t worry about perfection

The beauty of journaling is that it’s a personal, private practice. There’s no need to worry about spelling, grammar, or structure — just let your words flow freely onto the page. Writing this way can help you relax and be more present in your writing, leading to greater insight and self-discovery.


Incorporating journaling into your daily routine can bring numerous benefits to your mental health and overall happiness.

The key to journaling is making it a positive and enjoyable experience. Please don’t put too much pressure on yourself; remember that having off days is okay.

The most important thing is to make it a consistent practice that helps you feel good about yourself and your life.

With time and practice, you’ll find that journaling can be a powerful tool for improving your mental health and overall happiness.

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Carl Poland
Motivate the Mind

I’m a regular guy, husband, father, accountant, blogger. Interested in personal development, journaling, binaural beats and looking for the perfect side hustle.