20 Things That Inspire Me Every Single Day.

Motivate the Mind
Published in
4 min readNov 4, 2021


Inspiration can be found anywhere!!!!

Image by Deirdre Weedon from Pixabay

This morning, I was sitting with my cup of coffee, my laptop open, staring at a blank screen with the full intention of listing all the amazing things that inspire me.

I turned to my 8-year-old son and asked “what inspires you?”

Without even thinking, he replied “FORTNITE” in his ever so loud tone. 🤭

I’m not entirely sure he understood the question, so I explained what it meant, and this was his response…..

“I love Fortnite, it inspires me to work as part of a team and take on all the bad guys so I can level up and be amazing.”

Well, that was a good enough answer for me, lol at least he wants to team up and work with others. 🤣

You can find inspiration from anything and anywhere. However, let’s be real here not every day is filled with sunshine, rainbows, glitter, and sparkles, and it’s days like these where I like to sit and think about some of the amazing things in my life.

So without further ado, here are 20 things that inspire me every single day. I hope some of these can inspire you too.

  1. The ocean- My go-to place, it always cheers me up when I’m upset or anxious. The sounds of the waves and the feel of the sand (well stones…



Motivate the Mind

I write about mental health, life, writing tips and more. 1x Top writer in internet of things. Reach me at justjulieandherblog@gmail.com