7 ways to become the owner of your lives!

Nidhya Palaniappan
Motivate the Mind
Published in
5 min readFeb 1, 2022

How could you own yourself, face whatever life throws at you with a big smile, and emerge victoriously?

Photo by MI PHAM on Unsplash

We may have found ourselves ruminating on past events or fretting about the future on numerous occasions. But this is only a “victim” mentality — a victim of chance or circumstance, and we can overcome it with enough practice.

How do we break free from this mindset and move forward in the right direction to achieve our life goals?

Steve Chandler’s “Reinventing Yourself” is one of the best books on the subject. In this book, Steve narrates the best ways to reinvent ourselves from a victim mindset to an owner mindset.

What is it to be like an owner?

What do we do when we own something? First, we declare that it is ours, claim it, integrate it into our value, and safeguard it. It could be a relationship, a skill, a business, a goal, success, or an error.

Similarly, despite the adversities that life throws at us, we can own our inner spirit and reinvent ourselves as the people we want to be by following the below seven tactics :

  1. Be Creative

When a problem arises, owners try to solve it creatively by devising a plan of action. Every adversity is a disguised adventure for them. They see problems as projects, not as a source of discomfort.

In contrast, victims are reactive. In the event of an issue, their mind voice would say, “well, what can we do? Everything is out of control. “

So, if something worries you, write “Project:…” in bold characters on a piece of paper, and then list the top 5 basic measures you’ll take today to get the solution. Don’t sleep until you complete all those steps; the problem is now just a work-in-progress project.

2. Be Action-Oriented

Owners allow everything and everyone to be their teacher and are eager, to begin with, actions. They start by asking themselves, “How can I use this situation to learn and grow myself?” and then get into action. Faith and courage will naturally follow as they make progress.

Owners are never afraid to hear the word “No.” So, they reach out to others with an open mind to move forward, unconcerned about the response. For them, “No” is a redirection in their journey, not a rejection.

On the other hand, victims view every unexpected situation as a roadblock and actively seek reasons to reduce their efforts and activity.

3. Be Focused

Owners are always in the present moment. As a result, they are laser-focused on the task at hand, which is very much essential for success.

On the other hand, victims are constantly preoccupied with numerous thoughts, which is an enemy of achievement.

Only by letting go of all our preoccupied thoughts will we be able to open ourselves up to a plethora of new possibilities.

4. Set your priorities

Owners place a great value on thinking about and planning their life goals. As a result, they are not distracted by unimportant things to them. Hence, they say “Yes” only to the things essential to them.

On the other hand, victims lack specific goals, plans, or commitments. Their lives are disorganized, so anything or anyone can quickly divert their attention.

5. Concentrate on what you want

What we focus on grows. If we are hurt and focus on the pain without doing anything, the pain will be excruciating. Instead, if we accept the pain for what it is and focus on what we want, we will move on quickly.

Owners acknowledge and accept what has happened to them and focus solely on where they want to go.

On the other hand, victims are utterly obsessed with their feelings and emotions, getting themselves into a mental trap.

6. Come out of Your Comfort Zone

The owners are well aware that the comfort zone is a place to relax rather than live.

Plants growing in ideal conditions are unable to endure storms. Trees that emerge from storms, on the other hand, have deep roots. When we recount adversity or challenge that we overcame and took courageous actions, we become more excited, and our eyes light up with joy. But recollecting a comfortable life will be nothing more than monotony.

Without realizing the benefits of challenges, victims seek a hassle-free life and security in everything around them, which does not exist in this world.

7. Be Non-Judgemental

Owners do not waste time or energy judging themselves or others; instead, they engage in action and rest without making up any stories.

Victims make up stories about themselves or others in their minds, then add more decks to confirm the first ones. These various stories cause stress, affecting their mental and physical health and destroying their relationships.

Final Thoughts :

Owners — are constantly reinventing themselves, despite their pain and memories. As a result, they are optimistic about everything that happens in their lives. They are aware of their emotions, still, they commit to things that are more important than their emotions. As a result, they act more, which increases their happiness.

Owners have a positive mental health

Victims — have a tendency to wallow in self-pity, which eventually leads to depression. They are unaware that people will sympathize for a limited time, but will not want to talk about it again unless they are also victims waiting to share their stories.

Victims have a negative mental health

Do you want to be an owner or a victim? The choice is yours :)!



Nidhya Palaniappan
Motivate the Mind

Pragmatic Agilist| Passionate Traveller | Lifelong Learner !