A bit or two about Domain & Sub-domains

What are Domains and Subdomains?

Sanju Shaw
Motivate the Mind
2 min readSep 18, 2022


Image source: Pexels

Domain means the name you need to buy for your website. Think of Domain as your home address which help one to locate you, similarly domain helps users & netizens to locate your website on the vast internet. For example: amazon.com, gmail.com, goodreads.com etc.

Simple as that, right?

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Let’s talk about Sub-domain. It’s precisely be said as sub-division of a domain. It’s an additional piece of URL that comes before the main domain and the domain extension. Subdomain allows website to categorize their content accordingly thus become much helpful and easy to understand for users and developers as well and organizing content efficiently.

Below image will assists you understanding well.

Image source: Freecodecamp

With all this here, get an exotic, eye-catching name for your website now from Bluehost. If you aren’t aware of Bluehost, it’s a one-stop destination from making a gorgeous dynamic Website, to purchasing a Domain name for it and getting it online 24*7 from Bluehost’s Web-Hosting services (Click on this to read my Web-Hosting explained article). All work done from visiting only one site, Bluehost.

So, don’t wait anymore, make your presence online NOW!!!

Link here.

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Sanju Shaw
Motivate the Mind

Greetings there, fellas. I adore writing a lot and needed a medium to share my works to people thus Medium turned out to be that medium :⁠^⁠)