A.I. helped me in Writing this…

A.I. writing generated article.

Sanju Shaw
Motivate the Mind
3 min readSep 19, 2022


Image source: Google images

With the advancement of Tech we get to experience a lot a ease in human life. Reducing man power with the burgeon of A.I. use and enhancements. Now, cars are driverless, photos are A.I. edited, Bio-metric security are taken care by A.I. and where ever you look the presence of this Artificial technology can be found.
Suchlike this this week I used an A.I. writing generator(more about the tool at the end). It automatically writes a whole long form content for you with minimal inputs like your topic, length, tone and there’s a publishable post for your blog and sites.

Below writing is a work of this tool:

Motivation is a scam The concept of motivation is a scam. There is no real way to motivate someone else. If you want to motivate yourself, then do something you enjoy doing. If you don’t enjoy what you’re doing, then find something you do enjoy doing. You’ll be motivated to do that thing instead of whatever it was you were trying to get out of doing.

People who are successful are not motivated People who are successful are not necessarily motivated. Successful people have many things going for them. They may have good genetics, they may have been raised well, they may have had a great education, etc. But if those things weren’t enough, they still would have succeeded.

People who fail at something are not motivated People often think that people who fail at something are just lazy. However, I believe that people who fail at things are actually motivated. They might lack the right knowledge, skills, or equipment, but they are still willing to try. They know that they need to learn how to succeed before they can succeed.

People who are happy are not motivated I’m sure we’ve all heard this saying before. Happiness doesn’t last forever. And even if it did, it wouldn’t mean anything. A person could be extremely happy today and tomorrow he/she could be miserable. So, happiness isn’t really motivating.

People who are depressed are not motivated Depression is a serious mental illness that affects millions of people around the world. Depression causes a person to feel sad, hopeless, guilty, worthless, angry, and anxious. These feelings cause a person to lose interest in almost everything. When a person feels like this, they aren’t motivated to do anything.

People who are tired are not motivated Tiredness is a natural feeling that everyone experiences at some point. Tiredness makes us feel sluggish and lethargic. We don’t want to do anything because we don’t feel like doing anything. People who are bored are not motivated Boredom is a feeling that comes from being stuck in a situation where nothing interesting happens. Boredom is caused by monotony, repetition, and predictability. Being bored means that you don’t want to do much of anything.

GIF Source: Tenor

Pretty impressive. Copy.ai is the A.I. tool which is used in writing this article. You can get started with Copy .ai by Clicking here and enjoy a phenomenal writing tool for good which saves you a lot of your time to try something different.

Thanks for reading, do check-this-out. Clap if you liked this, Comment for sure.

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GIF Source: Tenor



Sanju Shaw
Motivate the Mind

Greetings there, fellas. I adore writing a lot and needed a medium to share my works to people thus Medium turned out to be that medium :⁠^⁠)