Authenticity: Reality or Illusion

Is being a writer even worth it?

Heipoe Hotz
Motivate the Mind
3 min readNov 24, 2021


Photo by Radu Florin on Unsplash

I haven’t published in twenty-two days. Incapable to bring something new to the table, I’ve never felt so unoriginal in my life. It may be hard to ever feel completely satisfied with whatever we create — considering that most writers are perfectionists, but it’s even harder to read posts for inspiration and feel like a copycat at the end of the day.

In a world where everything has been said and done, I couldn’t help but wonder: Are my thoughts worth sharing when the probabilities of redundancy are high? Is my perspective authentic or is it another vain illusion to make myself feel special? Is being a writer even worth it?

Finding answers in nature

“In every walk with Nature one receives far more than he seeks.” — John Muir.

I’m putting a lot of pressure on myself these days. I’m feeling low, tired, and sluggish — perhaps, the lack of sunlight is messing with my brain, or my writing habit isn’t working. All I knew two days ago, is that I needed to clear my head and reconnect with nature.

While I generally like to take my time to breathe, be present, and observe my surroundings; Clarity surprisingly came with speed. The brisker I walked, the sharper my mind and memory became. I went for a walk to relax, and nature gave me answers in bonus.


July 2020. My friend A. and I were Wwoofing, (working for free accommodation and food) in Kawau Island, New Zealand.

The place was heavenly. Surrounded by nothing but turquoise waters and lively forests, it felt like the safest place on Earth. And, we had the whole property to ourselves for three weeks!

Even so, I was going through a rough patch. I had spent the first two weeks investigating my mind, and like today, it was grueling.

One night, A. sat me down on the green velvet couch, kindly asked me to put my ego aside, and talk. So I did. And he listened. No interruption or judgment. When I finished, he looked at me and said softly:

‘I think you ask yourself too many questions, and not getting the answers — you know you can’t have now — makes you feel powerless and unaccomplished. You’re putting a lot of pressure on yourself. Life isn’t as chaotic as you think; look how peaceful it is outside.’

I’ve read a lot of ‘How to stop overthinking and be more mindful’ kind of blog/social media posts — but it’s only when my friend told me with his voice, words, and sensibility that I decided to take action. He saved my life that day.

Bottom line

You may not be able to bring something new to the table every day, but how you say it will always be authentic to someone.

People hear about the same things all the time: in blogs, vlogs, books, social media, movies, songs, etc. And yet, they’re still out there looking. Why? Because knowledge is not the issue. People are still wandering around aimlessly, trying to find the spark that will stimulate them to take action.

Well, that spark is you! And hey, we’re 7.9 billion. That’s a lot of peeps wandering around!

Your people WILL find you, and you will transform their lives. So, keep writing. Keep climbing your ladder of excellence. And never stop sharing!

Thank you for reading this not-so-original post! Cheers to many more! (Hopefully not in twenty-two days 😶)

I’m now on Twitter! Talk soon? xx. @hotzheipoe



Heipoe Hotz
Motivate the Mind

Writer & Traveler 🦋 A collection of Life lessons on the Self | I write about Growth, Mental Health, Love & Connections. Twitter: @hotzheipoe