Back to Writing: Rediscovering My Voice on Medium After Two Years

Sheetal Pawar
4 min readSep 15, 2024


Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

It feels surreal to be back on Medium, sitting down to write my first post in over two years. So much has happened during my time away, and as I reflect on these changes, I realize how vital it is to share this part of my journey with you.

The last few years have been a whirlwind of growth, self-discovery, and new beginnings. A big reason for my absence from Medium was my transition to Substack, where I started a newsletter to document my goals and the process behind creating my dream life. But now, I’m excited to return to Medium with renewed energy and purpose.

Why I Left Medium and Found a New Home on Substack

When I initially stopped writing on Medium, it wasn’t because I had given up on sharing my thoughts or pursuing my goals—quite the opposite. I wanted a space that would allow me to dive deeper into the personal journey I was embarking on — a space where I could offer more than just quick reads but provide an immersive look into my life and aspirations. That’s when I discovered Substack, a platform that has enabled me to connect with a growing community of like-minded individuals.

On Substack, I write about my goals and the behind-the-scenes process of building the life I’ve always wanted. Whether it’s about overcoming everyday struggles, finding joy in small wins, or pushing myself to achieve big milestones, my newsletter, The Life Blueprint, offers an honest look into what it takes to design a life that feels fulfilling. If you’re interested in reading more about this journey, feel free to join me over on Substack. I’d love to have you as part of the community I’m building there.

Turning 40, Becoming a Mother, and Setting New Goals

One of the biggest changes in my life, which coincided with my shift to Substack, was turning 40. It wasn’t just another birthday for me — it was a turning point. I had spent much of my 30s chasing career goals, exploring creative pursuits, and pushing myself to grow in every aspect of life. But turning 40 felt different. It felt like a new chapter, one where I could no longer afford to put off my deepest desires.

The best part - I became a mother, which was both an incredible blessing and a major life adjustment. My top goal last year, part of my ’40 under 40' list, was to start a family, and I’m thrilled to say that I achieved that. Having a baby changed the way I look at my time, my energy, and my priorities. There’s something about caring for a tiny human that puts everything into perspective.

I had to learn how to navigate the complexities of motherhood while also staying true to my ambitions. One of the things I’m currently working on is my ’41 before 41' list — a collection of goals that reflects my desire to continue growing and evolving even as I embrace the challenges and joys of parenthood.

Some of these goals include everything from health and fitness milestones like losing postpartum weight and improving my joint health to personal development goals like mastering UI/UX design, swimming a few laps by the end of the year, and writing one newsletter and one article per week. The list is a mix of career, creative, and personal aspirations, all of which are helping me stay grounded while I navigate this new chapter of my life.

My Return to Medium

While I’ve been enjoying writing on Substack, I’ve also realized that I missed the unique community here on Medium. There’s something special about the way people on this platform engage with each other, share stories, and support one another’s growth. That’s why I’ve decided to return to Medium and start writing regularly again.

Going forward, you can expect to see one to two articles from me each week, depending on how much time I can carve out while being a new mom. I’ll be sharing everything from insights into my lifestyle design process to reflections on balancing motherhood with personal goals. This space will serve as an extension of my Substack newsletter, offering bite-sized inspiration, practical tips, and honest stories from my day-to-day life. My hope is to contribute something meaningful to your life as well, whether it’s a fresh perspective, motivation to chase your own goals or just the reassurance that we’re all figuring things out as we go.

What You Can Expect

My focus in writing both here and on Substack is to offer a glimpse into the real, unpolished process of building a life that feels intentional. I’m a big believer in growth, but I also know that growth can be messy. That’s why I’m committed to sharing both the wins and the setbacks, the moments of clarity, and the periods of doubt.

From tackling personal goals to experimenting with new ways to manage time as a mom, I’ll be diving into a variety of topics that revolve around self-improvement and lifestyle design. And as always, I’m here to learn as much as I am to share.

Whether you’re someone who’s navigating similar life transitions, working on your version of a “dream life,” or simply looking for relatable content, I hope my posts resonate with you. I encourage you to follow along here on Medium and, if you want a deeper dive into my journey, feel free to subscribe to my newsletter on Substack.

Thank you for reading, and I’m excited to reconnect with you all here. Writing has always been a way for me to process, grow, and share, and I can’t wait to see where this new chapter on Medium leads.

Ready to join the journey? Sign up for my Substack newsletter, The Life Blueprint, where I share more in-depth reflections and actionable insights on designing a life you love.



Sheetal Pawar

Lifestyle designer revealing the unfiltered journey of growth. Subscribe to for strategies to craft a life you’ll love.