BEWARE, Before Learning A High Paying Skill.

Olusegun Iyejare
Motivate the Mind
Published in
2 min readNov 13, 2021
Disadvantage of high paying skill, iyejare
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Have you just found a high-paying skill you want to develop?

Or you’ve found a way to turn your talent or passion into a high-paying stream.

That’s awesome and I can say from experience, you’re lucky!

But from experience as a graphic designer and freelance writer for some years, I want to also tell you, BEWARE!

It’s not all sweet choosing a high-paying skill.

The game is not any different here: it’s high-risk, high-reward.

Unfortunately, we are only taught the high reward aspect.

There are things you put at stake when venturing into a high-paying skill and I’ll discuss one.

With a high-paying skill comes high-paying skill.

Think about it. You’re not the only one who wants to be paid high! Do you think I don’t?

If you look broad enough, there are so many people doing what are doing or what you want to do, already.

Although it is your passion, although you are skilled or talented, this realisation is a kind of bad news to you.

How can you ever match up or even get any traction?

For example, there are over a BILLION blog posts on the internet currently. There are over a BILLION songs released already.

Who will read your blog, then; who will listen to your song?

But the fact that many others are doing what you’re doing is not the whole truth.

The whole truth is that majority of the population is only doing it at an average level. Now, that’s good news.

It means the world will (only) chase after you if you can pay the price to be exceptional. High-paying clients are looking for excellence and will pay any amount to get it. Really!

The best you can be rewarded for average service is an average reward because you’d only be found by average clients.

You can still be a low-paid worker with a high-paying skill.

If you want to be paid premium, you must offer premium service.

Take out time, develop yourself. That's the biggest investment you can make.

"The greatest enemy of the good," someone said, "is average." Fight average!

Olusegun Iyejare is a career coach and certified counsellor who is passionate about helping entrepreneurs and career men and women balance mental well-being and entrepreneurial/career success. He does this through Self Discovery Blog



Olusegun Iyejare
Motivate the Mind

I help victims of the environment maximize their potential to live satisfying lives regardless of obvious limitations holding them back