Thoughts of Phoenix
Motivate the Mind
Published in
3 min readJun 27, 2023


Deceptive Trust: Unmasking Hidden Enemies:

Picture Source: Internet

Prioritizing Genuine Connections in Modern Society

In today’s world, excessive materialism has overshadowed the emotions, feelings, relationships, and love that bind us. This deep-rooted issue has caused people to lose the connections they once cherished due to their focus on material possessions and ungrateful attitudes. People can only fight for a relationship for so long before giving up when their partner consistently undermines their feelings. Life is fleeting; we never know if we have moments or decades left to live. Yet instead of embracing this reality and prioritizing love and quality time with one another, we often concentrate on hatred, materialism, and causing each other pain. This collective behavior leads to numerous social issues that inflict even more suffering upon those who initially sought love but eventually become bitter toward others. To counteract this trend, it’s crucial to emphasize the positive aspects of our relationships rather than dwelling on negativity and separation. People often strive to be honest and caring; however, the world we live in today seems to prioritize other aspects. Instead of focusing on love, emotions, feelings, and care, society places more importance on material possessions and superficial displays. This shift has diminished the sense of unity that comes from supporting one another through difficult times. For example, when financial crises arise within families, some individuals choose to abandon their partners rather than face their responsibilities together.
It’s crucial to select friends or partners based on what they prioritize in life. If someone values independence above all else and is unwilling to trust others or provide support during hardships, they may not be suitable companions for those seeking genuine connections. These types of people may not only fail to support us but also contribute to our criticism by encouraging others to put us down as well. It’s essential for individuals seeking strong relationships built upon honesty and caring to carefully consider who they surround themselves with – prioritizing those who share similar values instead of succumbing to societal pressures that emphasize superficiality over a genuine connection.
No matter how well you treat someone or how much you sacrifice for them, there’s always a chance they might betray your trust. Despite your best efforts to maintain the relationship and make them feel important, some people will still leave you behind for their reasons.
From the start, these individuals may not have been genuinely interested in you but instead sought materialistic gains. Although it didn’t seem like they were that type of person, deep down, they only pursued worldly things. They are unconcerned with your emotions, and regardless of the love shown to them, ultimately, what matters most to them is money.
We often encounter people in our lives whom we trust deeply, sharing every aspect of our day-to-day experiences with them. However, some of these individuals may eventually reveal themselves as enemies who cause us pain without remorse. They believe that we deserve the hurt they inflict due to their twisted mentality and prioritization of material possessions over genuine connections. In certain situations and relationships, such people attempt to assert control even when they are wrong. They refuse to acknowledge their mistakes and instead jeopardize the love and connections holding relationships together. It’s as if they wield an axe, not only cutting down a tree but also uprooting it entirely in their determination to destroy mutual affection. These individuals can appear loving and caring on the surface, fooling others with their superficial charm. In reality, however, they harbor intense hatred and jealousy towards those who find success or happiness.



Thoughts of Phoenix
Motivate the Mind

I write to keep myself alive, and I do see things, feel them, and I try to give those feelings and experiences shape into words.