Every Expert Has Predicted: The future belongs to a polymath

Ruchi Nirmal
Motivate the Mind
Published in
3 min readAug 12, 2023

Why? and Are you a polymath?

Source: Pinterest

Let me tell you something no one’s talking about.

AI-driven metaverse is closer than you think.

Every expert’s saying one thing: The future belongs to a polymath. Why?

Because they own a variety of skills to adapt, innovate, and solve complex problems across many areas.

Have you heard about a genius polymath who left an incredible mark on history- Leonardo da Vinci

As an artist, scientist, and inventor, he symbolized the term “polymath.” He was excellent in painting, anatomy, engineering, and more.

Here’s how I am using his 7 principles to unleash my inner creative genius:

1. Curiosità- The hunger for curiosity

I’ve started exploring new interests, seeking knowledge beyond skills and asking questions.

This is what differentiates extraordinary people from mediocre ones.

Cultivating it fuels progress and ambition even when there is no motivation.

To fulfill your curiosity- share it with the world in the most valuable form.

2. Dimostrazione — Learning by Action

Applying theory to practice is the only way to advance your skills.

This is why my new mantra is — Quick to apply, Slow to learn.

Most people are afraid to take action — because they fear hurting their own high expectations.

It’s the fastest way to know if what you think is actually right or if there are loopholes in your knowledge.

3. Sensazione — Having control of your senses

Sharpen your senses to observe and experience the real world.

Working from home and too much use of social media are dulling your presence of mind.

That’s why I try to walk in the evenings no matter how much work is pending.

Engaging all your senses makes you see what you haven’t seen before — think what you haven’t thought before.

4. Sfumato- Acceptance of uncertainty

Not gonna lie- I’m still working on this one.

Life is uncertain. We all know how it can change in a minute — in the best or the worst way.

But if you try to be more flexible- you might experience joy in tension.

This can allow us to hold multiple perspectives without taking sides in one.

This is where real insights and novel ideas emerge from.

5. Arte/Scienza — Balance of imagination and practicality

Ideas emerge from creativity but shaped by logic.

It was life-changing for me to understand art and science go hand in hand.

Creative expression paired with scientific knowledge is a powerful combination.

It’s like creating the content you like but according to the algorithm.

Let’s say this principle highlights the magic in your work without dulling the spark.

6. Corporalità — Cultivating grace

No hacks of focus or productivity will work if your life is in disbalance.

Focus on your mental well-being and physical fitness to achieve your full potential.

Be mindful of how to present yourself and your work to the world.

This is what separates your work from regular mundane creations.

People should feel a sense of awe and wonder when they come across your creative endeavors.

7. Connessione — Thinking Pattern

Every aspect of life is independent — but it’s all connected.

The ability to spot patterns between people, your work, surroundings is what makes it unique.

It’s easier for me now to connect the dots and make an entirely different idea of anything.

Individually great, collectively a masterpiece.

I admire Leonardo’s style of creativity & the constant pursuit of knowledge and innovation.

The Future Polymath- Ruchi



Ruchi Nirmal
Motivate the Mind

Diagonally parked in the parallel universe. Optimist. Reader. Goal Digger. Follow me on twitter @ruchinirmal33