Feel Peace Now: Three Simple Steps

Motivate the Mind
Published in
2 min readJun 14, 2022

being present is easy and fantastic. Let me show you how.

Photo by Shashi Chaturvedula on Unsplash

I hear many of the spiritual gangsters out there, talking about the now moment and how it is so important to be present.

But, how can we do this with so much going on in our head. I mean literally how.

We’re all human, we got stuff to do, bills to pay, people to talk to, and yes the future plans and the haunts of what has past.

So how do you stay present with so much baggage on you.

Here is how, my friend.

Three simple steps.

One, breath. Take long breaths in, hold it at the top, then release. Keep doing this for sometime.

By doing this you automatically bring your attention to your body. which means you are being present now.

What! yes that simple, but it could get even better. keep reading.

Two, pretend that right now, just for few minutes, nothing matters.

No “but” please. Just pretend. This will help you be more present.

Three, use the one gift that is the most powerful one you have, your imagination.

And imagine that your entire past and future is completely wipped clean. Imagine, it’s gone, it does not exist, all that exist is here and now.

This will bring so much healing, you do not have to know what it does exactly and the complications of it, just know that this simple practice is supporting you in mysterious and miraculous ways.

Feel the freedom this is bringing you and know you are safe and loved.

Now, do step one, two and three whenever you can. More often and let me know how you feel in the comments.

