How do we love

This is again talking about faith and love.

Titin Alfiani
Motivate the Mind
3 min readFeb 27, 2023


Photo by Roman Kraft on Unsplash

I know that there is so much knowledge that I don’t have; I don’t even know the forms, the languages, the things, or the time. But my Creator knows all about it.

When we feel loved by someone, the first thing that must come to our mind is, "God’s love exists through this person." It is not his, it is not hers, or it is not theirs. It is God’s love. It all belongs to God.

Never attribute anything to God's love for His creatures first.

And I want to show my love in a way that is not exactly the same as theirs. The really important thing is what our religion, our Deen, has taught us about how we should show our love to others.

If God doesn’t allow us to do the same, then don’t. It is true love. even though they don’t know and think that we don’t love them. It doesn’t matter, because what we do is not based on the form of love they teach, but on what God allows.

We love someone not according to their love language. We love someone according to what God teaches.

What is acceptable and what is not acceptable behavior, who may linger with whom, who may exchange greetings with whom, human relations, boundaries, and the beauty of relationships.

I have been asking the exact question about whether someone who shouldn’t be allowed to linger with me showing affection can be called love? No, it’s not true love. It comes from someone’s ignorance about how to love others.

We all learn about the concept of sin. And the fact that we don't know the exact amount adds to the mystery.

What about violating God’s prohibition with the intention of imposing the will of our love language on someone, which actually makes it a sin and makes God angry? What is the real concept of love? Isn’t that pure love beyond the boundaries of space?

We're not just talking about a man who falls in love with a woman or vice versa; we're talking about everything, including friendship, family, and people we only know by name or don't know at all. Everyone who says he is human and his relationship with fellow human beings themselves.

We are all facing the reality of liberalism, where it makes us feel free to do something and not feel guilty about doing something that the majority of people do. even though religion clearly forbids it. So, what is love if you don't do it according to what God teaches?

The only neutral way to show our love is to have good morals, good manners, never hurt anyone else, and only speak kindly and sufficiently according to the level that God has given. All refer to what God allows and prohibits.

We know the origin of love is from Him, back to Him, and His love is more than anything in this world. It is appropriate to make it the highest standard in loving His creatures.

