How Do You Self Talk?

Anjali Udasi
Motivate the Mind
Published in
2 min readOct 8, 2021
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

In our society, we have been forcing ourselves to have positive self-esteem from a young age, but the problem with being so certain of ourselves is that we lose the capacity to listen and adapt from others.

It is hard to learn, and change when we don’t listen. When we lose the art of self-talk, we lose experiences which are necessary for change and growth.

Self-talk can manifest in various ways: in thoughts and emotions, in the way we talk to ourselves and others, and in what we believe and how we live.

Self-talk can fuel motivation, reinforce habits, and regulate mood. But what is self-talk and, what impact does it have on our thoughts, emotions, and actions?

Self-talk is nothing but what you keep telling yourself throughout the day. For example, you made a small mistake and, the first thing you said to yourself was-” How can you be so irresponsible?” or “What is wrong with you?” or “You are a disappointment.”

Do these negative phrases impact you? Let’s understand how it leaves an effect on our mental wellbeing.

How do these phrases impact your self-esteem?

  • If you keep telling these invalidating phrases frequently, you will start dealing with low self-esteem issues.
  • You start judging yourself at every point of life.
  • You are afraid to try new things in the fear of making mistakes.
  • You automatically dive into the pool of overthinking.

To get out of this negative hole, here are some self-talk tips:

How to self-talk?

  • Avoid using negative phrases. If you make a mistake, say -It’s ok, it happens.
  • Never blame yourself for everything. Many times, overthinking makes you feel you are at fault for everything wrong that is happening around you.
  • Practice saying encouraging words such as:

“I can do it”

“At least I tried”

“Let’s understand what happened, and get going”.

  • Pat yourself if you do something on-point:

“Good Job, You have done it.”

“Yes!, I was able to do.”

Whenever you are anxious or worried, self-talk can help you in calming yourself down. Observe the pattern of thoughts and transform it into an encouraging conversation.

Do not rush on solutions. It’s difficult to control thoughts when you are drowning in the river of thoughts but try having a positive conversation with yourself.

If you notice, you are always conversing with yourself. Now, if you want to grow, the choice is yours. Start the change today and embrace the habit of self-love.

Share your thoughts if you agree on this.



Anjali Udasi
Motivate the Mind

Creativity gets me going. Healing my inner child made me dive into writing.