How Does a Covert Narcissist Undermine Your Competence?

While making you feel like the narcissist

Melissa Kalt, MD
Motivate the Mind


How can someone so extraordinary, so competent in many ways become insecure and a pawn of a narcissist?

It’s a question that’s hard for anyone who hasn’t experienced it to wrap their head around. “There must be something wrong with the victim. I would never let that happen to me.”

If only that were true.

Covert narcissists are masterful. They undermine your sense of competence while making it look like they are your greatest fan, your biggest supporter.

This tactic is so subtle, executed so masterfully, you can’t put your finger on it. And if you can put your finger on it, the covert narcissist uses plausible deniability.

It’s the perfect setup.

They devalue you while to the outside world, they look like the most supportive, loving person ever. Narcissistic supply x two.

Here’s how the distortion works

Say you’ve been asked to give a big speech at a social event. Your friends and community will be there. It’s a big honor and you’re excited.

As you’re prepping your speech, you share with your covert narcissist partner that you’re…



Melissa Kalt, MD
Motivate the Mind

Leadership Catalyst/Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Specialist/ Solver of Unsolvable Problems/Master Healer/ Entrepreneur/ Author/ Speaker/ Mother of 5.