How You Can Love Again

Motivate the Mind
Published in
3 min readJan 30, 2022

You are actually not in love until you come to this conclusion.

Photo by Christopher Campbell on Unsplash

What does it mean to truly love someone? does true love exist? where did this “love of my life” concept come from?? So someone else is the love of my life??

No I’m not giving up on love, this is not a desperate girl who broke up with her “soon to be my forever after” and now she’s pissed as fuck and writes posts about “do not fucking love anyone again”.

Well maybe that was exactly me not long ago. Now I literally had to go through the trials and healing to learn the one thing that made all the pain worthwhile.

Yes it is simply self love. Self love heals. Self love transcends forever after.

When you truly love yourself, not selfish love, not the way others (society, movies, family, programs) taught you how to love.

But the way it was revealed to you within. It is an utter shatter of your shadow merged with your highest version.

It is you becoming the one, the best version of yourself.

Nothing is left, no anger no hate no resentment, every aspect melts in the presence of the compassion and love you have when you open your heart.

And you know, whoever hurt you, they are suffering too.

You forgive so easily, because you know that there is love there.

Everyone deserve to love and be loved.

So how can you do the same for yourself? how can you love again?

You can do this through simple daily practices.


This is the freedom and healing you give for yourself and others. This is a true blessing that can transform all of your life areas and relationships. Practice forgiveness in meditation everyday and watch how quickly the blessings come in.

Self Care

Be gentle with yourself and be really good to you. Find moments within your day to offer care and comfort to your mind body and soul. Support yourself and ask “what can I do to make me happy right now?” and most of the times you know what to do, be mindful and do a good job.


Write down and express your deepest emotions on a piece of paper. Use journaling as a healthy healing tool that brings happiness and joy to your life. You can use it as a daily gratitude practice, here is beautiful printable & digital gratitude journal


Affirmations are powerful tools to consciously change and shift your life positively. I create affirmations and subliminals videos every week, to offer healing for others to boost their self love, self confidence, abundance, health and wellness. Listen to positive affirmations here.

You will always love again, just not the same ever again, only better than you did before.The gift is in the acceptance and unconditional love that you cultivate with yourself.

Remember you are worthy and you deserve all your dreams and desires.

I love all the kind people who take the time to read clap and comment on my writings. Thank you so much, every time you do this I do a little happy dance.

