I Demanded A Miracle

Shoba Rao
Motivate the Mind
Published in
2 min readJun 24, 2022

While it was just there

Photo by Luis Fernandes on Pexels

I sat determined, waiting for a bright flash of light,

And the appearance of a silhouette, all in shades of blue and white.

I wanted a miracle. Nothing happened.

There came a little butterfly, seemingly lost,

I brushed it off, and away it tossed.

I sat waiting for the bright flash of light,

And the appearance of a silhouette, all in shades of blue and white.

I wanted a miracle. Nothing happened.

My eyes fell on the prettiest flower I ever saw,

I looked at it with no awe,

The birds chirped, the clouds and sky shared happy patches,

People sang and played the guitar, music streaming through the crisp air.

But again, I looked away, not to miss the miracle,

I so wanted before me.

I sat waiting for the bright flash of light,

And the appearance of a silhouette, all in shades of blue and white.

I wanted a miracle. Nothing happened.

The hurry and bustle around then got the better of me,

People moved aimlessly and I thought,

Don’t they want a miracle?

Then one little girl skipped happily before me,

Saw the flower and gasped,

She shouted aloud, “Mom, see what God has created”

To which her mom cooed, “Isn’t that a miracle?”

They stood together and watched and clapped, hummed and blew kisses,

Then walked away hand-in-hand, a tune on their lips,

Making me look at the miracle right before my eyes,

And I heard myself say, “Isn’t this a miracle?”

