I Got My First Tip On Medium

Peter Karanja
Motivate the Mind
Published in
2 min readAug 15, 2022

I am a delighted person today. While I have been writing for clients for the past three years, I had never thought of trying another form of writing, let alone getting paid for it. I have always had a passion for writing from a young age, but after completing my studies, copywriting and developing content for affiliate sites is what paid my bills, so I went for it.

A few years later, I learned about Medium, a platform where you can write about anything. I didn’t write much, but of the few articles I wrote, one of them was a personal story that I had never shared before.

You can read it here.


The story rested on my account for almost a year. Many things have happened, and I am working on regaining my zeal for writing. A top writer and one of my motivators, Abena Talks, asked us to share our writing on one of her posts, and I shared that article. And guess what? One person liked it and bought me a coffee on Ko-Fi. This comes a few weeks after Medium launched the Tipping feature, which is a bonus to people on the Medium Partnership program and a good feature for people from countries not supported by Medium.

To activate the Tipping Feature go to Settings — Audience Development — Tipping — Management Settings.

How much did I earn? $6. This is the first time I have been paid to write about myself, and the first dollar I have earned on Medium.

What will I use it for? I paid for the Medium Membership since I want to read more articles on Medium and gain more ideas on what to write about. This has motivated me to write more.

Happy Writing, Folks!



Peter Karanja
Motivate the Mind

I am a Freelance Writer for hire specializing in helping B2B and B2C companies engage their audiences and make more sales. Reach me at https:/creativitypot.com