I Got Myfirst Ko-fi

It was from a friend, not a fan!

Alayne Unterberger
Motivate the Mind
2 min readMay 28, 2022


Source: https://www.clipartkey.com/mpngs/m/168-1689922_tip-jar-tip-jar-png.png

Back in September, when I re-engaged with Medium and decided I would take the plunge to 100 followers so that I could stay in the partner program, I read a fascinating article about Ko-fi.

I figured I would try it. And after four months, I got my first tip on Ko-fi. But none since, and it’s been a few months.



Alayne Unterberger
Motivate the Mind

@Dralayne is a medical anthropologist, nonprofit executive, adjunct faculty and researcher focusing on work, gender and migration. writes fiction, mental health