Instant comfort or future payoff? Act on behalf of your future self

Mia Olsson
Motivate the Mind
Published in
1 min readFeb 22, 2022
Photo by Carolina on Unsplash

According to writer Jessica Dore, our freedom lives in the acceptance that we can always make choices on behalf of our future selves. No matter what we might be thinking or how we may feel at a given moment.

You have the power to change your narrative.

Every day, hour, minute, or second.

Commit your time. Research, learn and focus with intent.

Laziness equals instant reward, whereas hard work has a future payoff.

Laziness, as in spending a full day on the couch? No. Laziness, or passivity, as in running away from doing what is necessary to get you where you want to be. Sometimes, you might need that day (or more) to recharge. To have the energy to get you where you want to be.

But be mindful of when it serves you.

As Kerry Ward says: you can achieve almost anything with practice and persistence.

And it’s up to you what you choose to invest in your future self.



Mia Olsson
Motivate the Mind

Freelance writer with experience from the public, non-profit and startup sectors. Moved country 10 times. Lifelong learner.