Is It OK to be Not OK?

Anjali Udasi
Motivate the Mind
Published in
2 min readSep 29, 2021
Photo by Max van den Oetelaar on Unsplash

We all agree that life can be pretty tough sometimes. You wake up in the morning, you’re groggy, your feet hurt, your boss yelled at you the night before, you had surgery, your student loans are crushing you, your spouse cheated on you, you lost your job.

We often hear the phrase: It Is Perfectly OK to be Not OK.

Sometimes you might feel like the only person in the universe who is not OK. But you’re not alone.

How many of us agree with the phrase? Our mind keeps tricking us even when we tell ourselves:

  • It is ok to make mistakes.
  • You can do better next time.
  • Rejection is part of the journey.
  • This too shall pass.

And the list goes on…

If you have guarded yourself by anxiety, you will most likely struggle to calm yourself down in difficult situations. No doubt quotes do have a meaning and help you calm down.

At the initial stage, you need to signal your brain that it is not a situation where you have to panic. It is normal to have such issues. Now, will the brain stop sending unaffirmative signals?

No, my friend, it takes time. It takes time to come out of the loop of thoughts and adapt to an acceptance zone.

I understand the pain of dealing with numerous thoughts, and the uncontrollable moment to break the chain of thoughts. For some of us, the mere thought of having to admit we’ve failed can bring on a bout of depression.

If you’ve been battling the monster of guilt and shame, here are some ideas to help you grow bigger and stronger, and more comfortable with your own mistakes.

  • Take a deep breath.
  • If something is bothering you, move out of that uncomfortable space.
  • Listen to music which makes you dance.
  • Watch a comedy show to make you laugh.
  • Simply divert your mind and, soon, thoughts will stop bothering you.

What Not to Do:

  • Do Not Pressurize yourself to work more when you are stuck in the loop of thoughts.
  • Avoid making any important decisions at this moment, as you might regret them later.
  • Even if someone is failing to understand you at this point, do not hold feelings for them.

Once you are in a happy mood, explain to yourself it is OK to make mistakes. Most important, acknowledge what went wrong and make a point to improve next time.

What works for you when you want to halt unwanted thoughts? Do share in the comment section.



Anjali Udasi
Motivate the Mind

Creativity gets me going. Healing my inner child made me dive into writing.