Is Suicide the Solution?

Blessing Unukpo
Motivate the Mind
Published in
3 min readOct 24, 2022

Suicide — Not a perfect option for you!

Photo credit: Image on Canva

Her world crumbled! In a twinkle of an eye, she lost everything. Her heart paced faster than she could imagine.

Her adrenaline became hyperactive. Those tears rolled down her cheeks. In the midst of this, just one thought kept ringing in her head.


All she wanted to do is to cool down those angry nerves once and for all. I felt so sorry for her. Why did it have to get this far?

Why suicide? Wasn’t there something else that could be done? Is this all there is to life?

These were a few questions that ran through my mind as I sat on my couch, silently praying that she doesn’t follow the suicide path to end her life. As I watched the movie of this woman displayed on my TV screen, I had tears in my eyes about to run down my cheeks too as I recalled some memories almost similar to her story.

Then it dawned on me that it was a movie. But this isn’t just about a movie show. It’s also of reality.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), every year, more than 700,000 people die by suicide (1 person every 40 seconds). And, for each suicide, more than 20 suicide attempts are made. Suicide attempts and suicide not only have negative effects on the individual but also on the family and friends of the person in question.

Several factors may make a person attempt suicide. Factors such as depression, loneliness, a breakup in a relationship, financial issues, a lasting chronic illness, abuse, and the list go on. The World Health Organization (WHO) states that a previous suicide attempt is the strongest risk factor.

My dear reader, when the going gets so rough and circumstances seem to take a heavy toll on you, is suicide the next solution you seek? When everything around you seems chaotic, do you resort to the option called suicide to end it once and for all?

Oh dear … Suicide is not the perfect option nor the perfect solution for you! Please, don’t give it a second thought. You deserve much better.

Life is hard! Life is tough! Life has challenges! Agreed, but please do not choose the option called suicide!

Don’t go for suicide as a permanent solution to your problems.

When the thoughts of suicide come to mind, here are some suggestions that can go a long way to help:

Talk to a trusted friend

My dear reader, please don’t keep those thoughts in. Share your feelings with a trusted friend or relative.

Words of encouragement from a loving friend can help a long way to reduce suicidal feelings.

Connect with others

Surround yourself with positive vibes from friends, family members, and loved ones. Be social. Distance yourself from places where feelings of suicide can become so strong and intense.

Avoid being alone all by yourself. Socialize and bond with family members and friends creating new memories.

Seek medical help

It’s advisable to seek medical help from your medical practitioner on issues relating to suicide too. It will help you get medical advice on ways to deal with suicidal thoughts and feelings of suicide or suicide attempts.

For more strategies and approaches for preventing suicide, check out these suggestions by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Final Thoughts

You may have heard of the words “Life is Precious.” My dear reader, ending your life isn’t the perfect option for you.

You deserve better experiences, evergreen memories, a strong bond with family members and friends, and other joyous moments with loved ones.



Blessing Unukpo
Motivate the Mind

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