I’ve completed 1,000 Peloton Workouts. What Did I Learn?

An Inside Look Of Someone Who Uses Peloton Everyday

1% Better Everyday
Motivate the Mind
6 min readSep 22, 2021


Photo From https://blog.onepeloton.com/build-mental-strength/

I’ve been a Pelton member for about a year and a half now. The main question I’m always asked is, “Is it worth the money?” While I will dive in deeper in a future article about the pros and cons if “Peloton is worth is”, the short answer is….ABSOLUTELY.

Peloton is about bridging technology and fitness, they’re making workouts more accessible than ever. I’ve seen my life transform in the past year and a half and I have a lot to thank to Peloton for my transformation.

Let me teach you everything I’ve learned about Peloton after 1,000 completed work outs.

Picture Of Me Doing A Peloton Strength Class. No, I’m Not Wearing A White Tank Top. I Just Really Need A Tan

1. Peloton is HARD. You WILL Get Your Ass Kicked…While Developing A Nice Ass

There is no half-assing with Peloton…only full-assing.

Photo Of Jess Sims From https://asweatlife.com/2021/03/wegotgoals-225/

I often yell at the instructor through the T.V. especially when I’m 35 minutes deep into a workout. I’m really giving it my all and my whole body feels like it’s on fire from the burpees. Shoot, I feel my arms are wobbly and are about to give out. Peloton Instructor Jess Sims then has the courage to tell me with a sincere smile on her face, “for your rest time, do pushups or hold a plank… Sorry not sorry.”

I yell, “Crazy Beeatch!”

“Oh fuck you Jess!”

Yeah…Peloton instructors are assholes, but in a great way. They really push me to my limits — this is my favorite characteristic of Peloton.

The work outs are freakin HARD, but they’re also legit.

It’s as if, these incredibly strong, physically gifted and finely tuned athletic machines created a workout to challenge themselves, then they’ll teach you how to work out like them through a TV screen.

Don’t get me wrong…they of course allow you to modify your workouts to fit your needs. Instructors are always reinforcing positivity into your workouts. They encourage if you need rest, then please take it. If something hurts, don’t push yourself. They even have beginner level workouts and are very welcoming to anyone new to fitness.

Though, the goal of Peloton is to challenge you. To help you grow mentally, spiritually and physically.

Photo of Robin Arzon From NBC News

“If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you.” Peloton Instructor and VP of Sales, Robin Arzon always says.

“Movement is medicine, and confidence is the side effect.” — Robin Arzon

2. The Instructors Become Your Friends & Therapist.

I often refer to Peloton instructors as my friends. I’ve not once ever met an instructor at Peloton, but it’s true…I spend more time with the Peloton Instructors than my real friends. After a 1,000 workouts, you REALLY start getting to know the instructors on a personal level & I love them!

Okay I’m not a socially outcasted loser who has no friends, you can laugh at me if you want, but I don’t see my friends every day, but I’ll do a Peloton workout almost every day. Check out my calendar inside the Peloton app.

Screen Shot Taken From My Iphone Inside The Peloton App

After completing a 1,000 work outs with different Peloton instructors, you really get to know every instructor’s personality. Each and every instructor has a unique personality with a unique style of training.

No matter your gender, sexual orientation, languages spoken, fat, skinny, tall, white, black, orange, or an alien race from Mars, there is truly an instructor for anyone and everyone.

Plus, after a long day of work, come home and take out all your frustrations on a bike. I swear, it’s like riding with your really buff therapist.

3. Peloton Is So Much More Than Cycling.

Saaayy Whaaat??? I had NO IDEA. No, I’m not being sarcastic, I really didn’t know. I thought Peloton was just a cycling company. They’re actually so much more than cycling.

In the app you’ll see categories for Strength, Yoga, Cardio, Meditation, Running (Treadmill), Outdoor Running, Cycling, Stretching, Treadmill Bootcamp, Bike Bootcamp, & Walking.

Screen Shot Taken From My Phone Inside The Peloton App

My biggest recommendation for a new Peloton user is Download the app first, then decide if you want the bike. Peloton offers a 30 day free trial for the app.

4. Peloton Is SUPER Inspiring

Photo Of Alex Toussaint From Pelobuddy.com

The best way I can describe the inspiration is for me to give you a personal example.

This is Alex Toussaint. He’s one of the many great Peloton instructors. He’s probably my favorite cycling instructor.

Alex comes from a military background so he kind of yells at you like you’re in the military… There’s a twist to it though. He’s super positive and grateful.

Imagine that…he actually yells at you to appreciate your life more.

Sounds shitty right?…It’s actually really nice. Not only do you leave the workout with your quads, hamstrings and ass all on fire 🔥 but you’ll be extremely grateful for it too.

“Gee, I’m grateful for that asswhooping! Not everyone has the privilege to workout.” — Shit I’d say after a cycling class with Alex Toussaint.

Here are just a few of his quotes he yells at you like a grateful military sergeant.

“You don’t have to, you get to.”

“Feel good, look good, do better.”

“Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.”

“Build Your Confidence Then Protect It”

Peloton Instructor Tunde once weighed 200 lbs before turning her life around! Now look at her. She’s a beast!

Photo From https://www.today.com/health/peloton-instructor-tunde-oyeneyin-shares-weight-loss-journey-t190126

5. Peloton Celebrates You. Encourages You To Celebrate Yourself

Photo Of Me Proudly Wearing My Century Club T-Shirt

I had no idea about this but one you’ve hit your 100th Peloton work out, Peloton sends you a T-shirt celebrating your 100th ride.

Holy crap! How proud do you think I feel wearing my Century Club T-shirt?

The answer is: Swag, Swag and more swag.

Then there’s birthdays (the day you started working out with Peloton) and milestones they celebrate. For example, let’s say you’ve reached your 500th cycling class. If you attend a live class, it’s very likely the instructor will give you a shout out.

Yes! They literally call out your username in the middle of the work out. Even if you have clever but funny username like “Spin Shady” or “Spin4Gin”, they’ll still call you out and give you a short inspirational message.

What Do I Recommend?

Soooooo after about 1,000 workouts I’ve lost about 30 lbs, gained muscle mass, learned how to work out, am healthier, happier, more goal driven, boosted confidence. Fitness is a part of my life I will never give up again.

If you’re someone who wants change in their life, I’d really encourage checking out Peloton. My recommendation is to download the app first and try the 30 day free trial and see if you like what Peloton is offering. If you have the financial means, get the bike or the treadmill. If you don’t have the finances for a bike or treadmill, don’t worry it’s not needed. The app is more affordable but still has the potential to change your life if you use it consistently.

I had a tooooone of fun writing this article. If you had as much fun as I did, give me a follow and I’ll keep posting similar articles.

Follow me on instagram @habitfitnessclub. I often post inspirational quotes from Peloton instructors.

