Keep Your Eyes on the Prize

Staying motivated when you’re exhausted.

All The Things by Heidi
Motivate the Mind
3 min readOct 15, 2021


Photo by Vek Labs on Unsplash

A famous fish once said, “Just keep swimming,” if you know, you know.

Photo by Christian Erfurt on Unsplash

You’re exhausted. It was a busy week, you have goals that you’d like to work towards, but your mind wants a break. When this happens it’s easy to just tap out. You’ve paid your dues and worked way harder than you would have liked to, so it’s ok to sit this one out. Sometimes your mind and body really do need a break, but we have to be selective with how much slack we cut ourselves. While it’s ok to listen to your inner monologue and take the break that you need when you need it, it’s also important that we not get too comfortable and we keep working towards our goals.

Photo by Hillary Black on Unsplash

After working all day, running errands, going to appointments, doing housework, cooking dinner, and cleaning up again, the last thing I feel like doing when I finally have a moment to myself is to write. Don’t get me wrong, I love writing, it’s a creative outlet I’ve chosen for myself and I have major goals and ideas for what I want my writing to blossom into in the future. Sometimes I run out of fuel and I’m just too tired to keep going, we all go through it. I’ll be honest, when this happens my first thought is to give in, but then I remember my fitness journey and it gives me the push I need.

There was a time in my life where I was very unhappy with my weight. I was insecure, I felt unattractive, and I thought things would never change. Then one day, I got the encouragement and push that I needed to start making slow but consistent changes. Before I knew it, I lost 5 lbs, 10 lbs, and then 20, it was awesome! On the days that I was less than motivated, because we all have them no matter what we are doing, I kept my eyes on the prize and remembered how my small, steady changes led to the major results I always wanted.

Photo by Xan Griffin on Unsplash

Finding something that will motivate you to keep going is the hard part, but once you have it, it gives you the strength you need to push forward. For me, it was the reminder that no matter how much effort I put in, as long as there actually was an effort, it brought me one step closer to working toward my goal weight. Of course, results aren’t instant, and there is a little thing called patience that sometimes we all lack, but in the end, it is the effort that we are putting forth that keeps us on the path we need to be on. Even if you can’t give it 110% every time, at least give it something, never feel bad about trying. Imagine how far we could get if we “gave it a little” instead of “sat it out” every time we wanted to do something — I think it’s safe to say we would all be very accomplished people.

If you liked this story, I’d love for you to check out some of my others!



All The Things by Heidi
Motivate the Mind

Taking a deep dive into all things lifestyle — A fresh outlook on Motivation, Positive Thinking, Health & Fitness, Food, and Finance.