Life is a class of one

Ifechukwude Nwaodor
Motivate the Mind
Published in
3 min readOct 28, 2021

I was reading my WhatsApp messages some days back and I stumbled upon a post. In that post a phrase got my attention, it said: “life is a class of one”.

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There is a popular adage that says “all fingers are not equal”. What this adage is trying to teach is; all humans are not equal. We all have different skills, our mind works differently and our characters are also very different. Understanding this is key to understanding why we all don’t attain the same heights in life.

Life is a class of one. In life, everyone is in a different class, unlike how we have a graduating class with various students, in life you are in a class of your own. You teach yourself by learning from others and graduate based on what you've learnt. Many of our peers who graduated from school aren’t all in the same class in life. Like they say life happens. What this means is life is an entirely different class, we face obstacles, and depending on our ability to deal with them we are placed in different classes. We all have different dreams, and the resources at our disposal are also different, hence there is no way we can be in the same class in life.

Some get married on time, others don’t. Some bear children on time, others don’t, depending on what we want and the circumstances surrounding our lives.

Since life is a class of one, there is no point in trying to compete with others. Doing that only leaves you drained mentally which might affect you physically. You should compete with no one but yourself. “ how do I become better? “, “where am I lagging? “ Questions like this are what you should be asking yourself, not questions like “ how do I become better than Dan? “. One thing is sure, there will always be someone better than you. Life is a class of one.

It all boils down to self-awareness, knowing who you are and what you want. Understanding your value and knowing that there is something that only you can offer that places you in a class of your own. You are you and not Dan, so there’s no point trying to be someone you’re not, you’ll only end up losing your essence. People should be a source of motivation and inspiration not a source for unhealthy comparisons.

People are favoured differently. TTP (time, place and position), being in the right place at the right time can help you get to the right position. We all can’t be at the same place at a particular time, so it’s inevitable that some people will be positioned better than others, so why beat yourself up over something inevitable. That class wasn’t for you. Find your class, remember life is a class of one.



Ifechukwude Nwaodor
Motivate the Mind

Ifechukwude Nwaodor is a passionate writer living in Lagos Nigeria. She hopes to shed light on social issues with her writing.