Manifest More Abundance

Motivate the Mind
Published in
2 min readFeb 13, 2022

This one trick will bring more abundance and prosperity in your life, every time you look at your phone.

Photo by Alec Cooks on Unsplash

There are so many ways to program ourselves and start manifesting more abundance on autopilot. This one is something really interesting to try.

Visuals are a form of subliminal messaging, the more you consume positive visuals the more you will see the same or similar happen in your life. The subconscious mind can see it and soaks it in, then it works in the background to make it happen for you.

That’s why we should always be mindful of what kind of things we are consuming online. Because it’s feeding our subconscious, hence programming our lives.

We are almost on our phones most of the time, so implementing this method using our phones will benefit the purpose of programming the subconscious in a positive way that brings more abundance to our lives.

Simply get a ready made specific phone screensaver or wallpaper for this purpose. Or make your own using any website online like Canva.

The screensaver or wallpaper should be colour coded with abundance symbols or abundance affirmations.

This one here is my current screensaver\wallpaper. So far I noticed a significant increase in my finances! and I love it so much. This truly works guys.

Let me know if you have tried this method before and your success story!

Other tools to hack the subconscious here:

I love all the kind people who take the time to read clap and comment on my writings. Thank you so much, every time you do this I do a little happy dance.

