Mental health is difficult to track that’s why you need to take out time for it

A little time for your mind will help you to lead a better life

Motivate the Mind
2 min readNov 17, 2021


Photo by Marcel Strauß on Unsplash

Appearance and mental health

People spend a major part of their lives preening themselves that maybe makeup, getting their hairstyle right: those tingles hanging exactly how they want but how many of them have stepped back and thought about their mental health.

Mind Pollutants

I believe the mind can get polluted in more ways than our body can. And the mind pollutants are insidious, intangible. I mean hair turning white, skin wrinkling, dark circles under the eye, and other changes in appearance can be seen in the mirror, but mind pollutants are invisible, pernicious.

Many people don’t realise that the pollutants have crept into their minds — Pollutants like greed, jealousy, selfishness, lust, anger, etc.

And these pollutants keep you away from knowing your true potential and having a purposeful life. Unless you cleanse your mind regularly, these pollutants will get ingrained and will influence your behaviour.

You could have lived your life conforming with the highest ideal that would have brought out the best version of you, but you become a slave to these pollutants and become the person you never wanted to be in the first place.

What can you do?

Observe your thoughts

Being aware of your thoughts is a good place to start. You don’t need to sit down cross-legged with incense sticks and herbal tea to watch your thoughts. While sitting in your chair, you can close your eyes and observe what thoughts is your brain being bombarded with. Remember that your thoughts and you are not the same.

When you observe those thoughts, you will realise that thoughts and the person are different aspects.

Meditation is not closing your mind to thoughts but allowing them to come and observing how you feel about them. Not judging those thoughts as good or bad.

Water in a tub analogy

Pour some water into a tub and stir it up. Now try to calm the water with your hands; you will succeed in agitating it further. Let it stand undisturbed for a while, and it will calm down by itself. The human brain works much the same way.

Step back and reflect on what you are about to say or do. Initially, it will be difficult, and you will be eager to act on your impulse or the first thought that comes to your head, but trust me, you are more than your thoughts, impulse.



Motivate the Mind

I share my perspective through my writing to which you may disagree. You can contact me at