Morning routines are important for entrepreneur parents

Ma Do
Motivate the Mind
Published in
4 min readApr 16, 2022
Photo by Prophsee Journals on Unsplash

Every morning for the past year, I have woken up at 5 am.

I’m not a natural morning person. I am a natural night owl and I usually go to sleep around 3 am.

To many people who hear this statement, it may seem like an extreme morning routine. For me personally, it is not that uncommon. My morning usually starts off with a morning debate of pancakes or cereal… Well, actually my morning starts well before I wake up! Every morning, before my feet even hit the floor, I begin planning all of the things that are going to make my day successful. You see every morning when I wake up, no matter what time it was when I went to bed or what happened during the previous days’ events- I plan out how each hour of each day will be conquered.

I couldn’t go to bed without knowing what my morning plans were. So, I established a morning routine so that I could more easily accomplish what was necessary every morning before the day got away from me.

First of all, it is very important for entrepreneur parents to have an effective morning routine because they are usually juggling many things at once. We are constantly putting out fires and reacting to urgent needs around us- so having a morning routine will help you conquer your days! It’s not just about getting everything done each morning, but also being able to prioritize which tasks need to be completed first. Setting goals in the morning helps both mom and kids know what they should focus on throughout the remainder of the day. With everyone having their own unique schedule it will allow us to tackle the tasks at hand more efficiently throughout the morning.

Morning routines are extremely beneficial for mom entrepreneurs but it does require some planning in advance. What will you achieve? What is your morning routine goal? Your morning routine should reflect your personal goals and be unique to you! Moms need morning routines because they set the tone for their entire day, so why not make that morning routine revolve around all of your greatest desires!

“What do I want my morning routine to accomplish?” This is a great question to ask yourself before setting up your morning ritual. Being able to complete daily functions fast and efficiently means that we can tackle our other tasks quicker as well which increases productivity during work hours. It’s also good for kids- if there’s a system in place from the moment they wake up. Getting them on a routine helps them know what to expect, and makes morning time go smoother.

“How do I set up my morning routine?”, this is the next big question you want to answer before you get started. You can start with getting your workout clothes ready or laying out your outfit for the day so everything is ready to go when you wake up. Maybe you like to exercise before jumping into emails? Do that! Maybe instead of checking your work email first thing in the morning, you want to spend an hour working on one of your side hustles? Awesome! Whatever it may be, having a morning routine will help organize not only your morning but also give you more control over how productive you are during all hours of the day.

Here are a few morning routine activities that can help entrepreneurs dominate their day:

- Work on a side hustle for an hour or two before starting your workday. It will allow you to jump right into your current tasks after taking care of another project, and it will get you motivated for the rest of the day ahead! If you don’t have any side projects in mind, check out this guide for ideas.

- Spend some time meditating or doing yoga in the morning. Starting off with something relaxing can relieve stress and anxiety so you can focus better throughout the rest of your day.

- Read over all your calendar events from the previous day to make sure you didn’t miss anything important. You may also want to write down what main things need to be done.

-Make sure you are aware of what going on with the kids their schedules and activities so that you know when and how much time you have to do what you need to do throughout the day.

-Clear out your email inbox so that you can start the morning in a calm state of mind. Unsubscribe from any newsletters or promotional emails that you don’t want to receive daily, and if anything comes up it will be easier for you to catch up at night when there are fewer distractions around.

-Make yourself a morning routine that includes making your bed, listening to music, cooking breakfast, etc. Research has shown morning routines make us happier, more productive people.

Why is a morning routine important for Entrepreneur parents? It helps us stay focused and organized and with taking care of families and business things can get chaotic without structure. morning routines will help you set the tone for a more productive purposeful day. You can download my free morning routine templates to help you with guiding yourself through your day. Think of life as a blank canvas and you are the inspired artist. Paint your life how you would like to frame it. Your art can become your reality.



Ma Do
Motivate the Mind

Freelance writer/ upcoming author living on earth