Motive Positive #1

25 ways to self-discovery

Arya Joshi
Motivate the Mind
2 min readMay 11, 2022


Self-contemplation. The process to listen to your inner voice.
Photo by Jeffery Erhunse on Unsplash

Every day, numerous challenges and hectic routines encompass our entire day. Thousands of tasks to fulfil and numerous expectations to satisfy. Priorities at work and family are given the first preference always.

Enthusiastically, we settle all of them. But then comes a moment of contemplation. You dutifully handled all the responsibilities shouldered on you, what about yourself?

Applaud your flaws, work on weaknesses:

Self-love is the key stepping-stone to be positive. In my experience, self-love actually taught me the significance of self-respect too. Acknowledging your flaws and accepting your weaknesses. I always tried to be an all-rounder. A pro-person, in every art I knew. However, as time passed converging my energies onto a single interest (flaws) and performing it made complete sense and gave a sigh of satisfaction.

award your-self for your efforts, dedication and persistence
Photo by Japheth Mast on Unsplash

Award “your-self”:

For the smooth functioning and balancing of your personal and professional life, it is essential to prioritise yourself too. Rewarding yourself after a great victory or a long day brings out the optimism and energy required for your development. It assists you to explore your inner self and bring out the best version of you.

solo travel is key to identify and nurture your unknown traits
Photo by Bluewater Sweden on Unsplash


I had my first solo flight at the age of 12. Though it was of a short duration, yet it was brimming with numerous lessons. The happiness and the confidence of travelling alone have their roots here! Solo date and solo travel will also guide you through the process if discovering your unknown traits and loving your character more than before. Engage in this different part and simply let the positivity absorb in.

Motive Positive is a series of 25 articles, which will be posted on your favorite reading platform, Medium.

If you think your story is relatable to the day’s article, drop in a comment/ private note. I’ll love to read them!

Until the next one,




Arya Joshi
Motivate the Mind

A student & passionate writer. Mainly posting articles, travelogue and poems. Love to connect with people! Hope you like my work. :)