Motive Positive #7

25 ways to self-discovery.

Arya Joshi
Motivate the Mind
2 min readJul 22, 2022


“I celebrate my success, I sing my song of satisfaction,

Relish my achievements,

Learn from failures,

And never forget the compliments.” — Arya Joshi

Two sides, Same coin.

What’s the “Result”?

Success and failure are two sides of the same coin. We simply have to wait for the side to flip. Whichever side it may be, acceptance with an optimistic approach is what matters. That approach completely boosts our energy to work more and better.


One evening, while simply scrolling down on You Tube, I stumbled upon a video of Gaur Gopal Das. He is definitely one of the most optimistic individuals, I have ever seen. In that video, he mentioned a story, which was supremely enlightening. The story was,

Thomas Alva Edison had a massive factory at West Orange, New Jersey, USA. One day, due to chemical explosions, the entire factory caught fire. The efforts of Edison and his employees were engulfed in the flames. His son Charles exclaimed, “Our factory is being burnt into ashes, Dad!”. To that Edison replied solemnly, “Son, call your mother and her friends. They won’t be able to see such a spectacular fire again”. He further continued, “Along with this factory, all the mistakes we committed so far are also being burnt down. Tomorrow, we will start all over again, afresh.”

The video radiated the fact that failures are actually features of every individual. On the brighter side, it leads us to excellence eventually.

Failure is a feature:

Failures & Positivity, how are they even related? As mentioned earlier, every failure is a feature, which builds excellence in your work. If we simply absorb them sportingly, I’m sure they will infuse a strong dose of positivity in you. It will be abundant enough for you to attain your goal! Hence, never fear to fail! Simply change your gears.

Motive Positive is a series of 25 articles, which will be posted on your favorite reading platform, Medium.

If you think your story is relatable to the day’s article, drop in a comment/ private note. I’ll love to read them!

Until the next one,




Arya Joshi
Motivate the Mind

A student & passionate writer. Mainly posting articles, travelogue and poems. Love to connect with people! Hope you like my work. :)