Motive Positive#8

25 ways to self-discovery.

Arya Joshi
Motivate the Mind
2 min readJul 28, 2022


Back to School!

“Good morning students, today we will begin with the chapter, ‘The Alchemy of Nature”.Our English teacher announced after she entered the classroom.

The Alchemy Of Nature was a chapter in our English textbook which is definitely one of my favourites. Written by Raksha Bhadaria, it enlightened the readers about the numerous lessons, nature teaches us.

Photo by Noah Buscher on Unsplash

“Planting” the Pod of Postivity:

The optimistic approach of the grass to grow on a cement pavement, the persistence of the ants to climb the wall, the conscious efforts of sea waves to mould the rocks on the shore into their desired shape. Every single example mentioned reflects that the driving force is present just everywhere around you. The need is to develop a vision to identify it. Motivation is simply everywhere, just we need to capture it.

Photo by Blake Wisz on Unsplash

Motivation: The Magnetic Force

As magnets possess the ability to attract metals, similarly motivation attracts positivity. The driving force which fuels you to attain your goal derives from motivation. It builds confidence within you which ultimately results in an optimistic approach. Hence, motivation plays a vital role in developing positive thinking among individuals. You may even find it in the most trivial things, but it will transform your thoughts forever.

Motivate one another to accelerate,

Success to generate.

An achievement to celebrate.

Positive ambience to accumulate. — Arya Joshi

Photo by Cristofer Maximilian on Unsplash

Motive Positive is a series of 25 articles, which will be posted on your favorite reading platform, Medium.

If you think your story is relatable to the day’s article, drop in a comment/ private note. I’ll love to read them!

Until the next one,




Arya Joshi
Motivate the Mind

A student & passionate writer. Mainly posting articles, travelogue and poems. Love to connect with people! Hope you like my work. :)